Hard day

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Sad story cause it was a hard day for me 😢
Story begins-
It was a really hard day for me. I failed a test got called out for something I didn't do in front of class and many more. All I wanted to do was go home an sleep. But, turns out I wouldn't. I got home an unlocked my apartment. I walked in and saw Colby sitting on the couch.
Y/n- Oh thank god your here today was not-
Colby- We need to talk.
I was confused cause me and Colby have never had an argument or needed a talk in the two years we have been together.
Y/n- Oh um okay.
Colby- I going to put it out nicely but we should have a break for a month or so...
Within those words my heart broke, the words your true love that said to you wanted a break.
Y/n- I- uh what?
Colby- I'm sorry...
Colby had tears in his eyes I have tears in my eyes.
Y/n- What did I do?
Colby- I feel as we are more separated we do our own things and never talk.
If this day could go any worse it did. This is how I come home to.  I was now crying my heart broken my soul lost my love... gone. Colby stood up an grabbed my hands an pulled me into a hug.
Y/n- Please don't leave...
Colby- I'm sorry but I have to. It's only a break and soon we will be back together.
Within those words he was gone. I ran to my bathroom and locked the door I was heart broken. I grabbed paper and a pen and began writing.
Letter starts-
Dear who ever is reading this,
Yes I'm dead, yes I did this to myself. You are the first to find out so feel special cause you wanted to hang out with me. I did this because one I lost the love of my life and two no one likes me. I have to deal with everyone talking about me. I deal with everyone not caring. I deal with people who only want me to be there friend to do their home work. And if Colby is reading this... Thank you for making me the happiest person ever. You made me the happiest girl and feel like I was the only girl in the world when I was with you. You made me very happy and helped me through the worst. But I didn't call you for this one, this one I can handle. I can take my pain away. I love you guys and will miss you. Goodbye.
Sincerely, y/n💛
I grabbed my box of razors and grabbed one out. First cut for the fakes, second one for Colby, third one for my school, fourth one for my parents, and fifth one for life. I sat there tears running down my face. I heard my name being called, I heard banging on my bathroom door. I didn't listen I didn't want to listen, I didn't want to be here. I looked at my arm gushing out blood, my time here was almost done. I could finally be happy, the banging continued I still sat there counting down my time. The door came crashing down, I looked to my right about see Colby with tears flooding down his face he picked me up bridal style an brought me to the kitchen.  I could feel my eyes slowly closing, I knew I was almost there, I was almost to the light. I heard faint screams and crys but I didn't listen I didn't care. I let my eyes fall and felt my body fall into Colby's arms.
I woke up to the sound of beeping. It took me a minute till I knew were I was. I was in the hospital, my arm was wrapped up. I looked to my left and saw Colby holding the note and him holding my hand.
Y/n- C-colby
His head shot straight up. His eyes we're puffy and red. His cheeks were stained with tears. His body looked shut down and tired.
Colby- Babe? Are you okay?
Y/n- I-im okay..
Colby- God don't ever do that again! I thought I lost you! I'm so sorry and I'm dumb to have told you that we should have a break! Can you forgive me? Can we be back together?
Y/n- Of course
I smiled, then scooted over so I gave Colby room to lay down. He got up an slayed beside me. He wrapped his arms around chest an layed his head on my head, we drifted to sleep.
One week later-
I was finally dispatched from the hospital. Since I lost so much blood my body didn't function correctly but now I'm okay. Colby drove me home and brought me inside.
Colby- Before I open the door just know I love you very very much!
He opened the door to reveal a huge tent cover with blankets and fairy lights. Inside were a tv with an Xbox, pillows, blankets, and food. I looked at Colby with a huge smile.
Y/n- Babyyyy! Oh my god! I love this thank you so much!
Colby- Of course now go get changed!
After I changed we watched movies an ate. If it weren't for Colby I wouldn't be here today and I'm so grateful for him.
A/n- Oop that was sadddd! But I mean I never write sad stories so like why not, but I also didn't have a good day either so yeah! Anyways kinda hating life a lot right cause I have a D+ in math and I'm being forced to be in a math summer academy from June 24- July 25 and I have to go on my birthday! So like I kinda just want to.... Die cause life ain't treating me right! But I guess I have to go! Anyways hope your guys day is going great and see you tomorrow probably with a new problem of mine! 💞

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