I need you

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Brennen Taylor. The guy I thought I fell in love with. The guy I'll marry. The guy.... I'll have my kids with! Was all a lie, a lie that was always there from the beginning.  Him, me? Was never destiny or true love. It was a lie, did I know this? Yes, yes I did. I spend hours to hours staying by his side helping him. And he cheats on me... with my best friend.
"You really, you really gonna cheat on me?" I asked
"I mean you never gave me what I wanted" Brennen responded.
"I? I never gave you what you wanted?! How about the times I stayed by your bed side when your sick? How about the times were I did everything in my ability to make you the happiest man alive?! How about me spending my own money to achieve your dreams?! How was I not giving you what you wanted?" I said.
"You cheated on me." Brennen said.
"Me? I CHEATED? Never EVER in my life was a point were I cheated! I stayed there for you even when I knew you were going behind my back for girls. But I stayed! Why? Cause I love- loved you. I fell in love with a caring kind man. You are now a worthless piece of shit. I should have left your ass on the first day you cheated! I should have! BUT I STAYED! I STAYED CAUSE I WANTED YOU TO CHANGE I GAVE YOU THE TIME TO CHANGE! AND YOU STILL DIDN'T CHANGE!" I yelled while crying
"I don't care what you have to say." Brennen replied
"Fine, t-then I'll leave. Try to keep your dick in your pants for the next one?!" I said
I walked in grabbing my bag throwing in whatever I can put in. And left without a word. Did I know where to go? No. I was numb, hurt, broken. All I wanted to do was drive and drive. The only person I can trust now is Colby. Colby was there for the first day Brennen cheated. I wiped a few tears and called Colby.
"Hello?" Colby said.
"Brennen. He cheated on me... With Y/bsf/n." I said
"Oh my god I'm going to beat his ass. Babe I mean Y/n. Come to my apartment."  He said
"I don't want to Colby. Am I really that much of a hassle. I gave everything for him. My time my money my dreams and hopes. And got nothing back. I got nothing back at all. What did I do to deserve this." I said crying
"Baby you mean everything to me. Seeing hurt, hurts me. I love you okay I love you more than anything and Brennen is a scumbag and doesn't deserve a girl who give 100 when he gives 0." He replied
"Colby, I love you too but I can't. I'm hurt and broken. I can't be a happy person even when I try. He's hurt me too much. I don't think I'll ever be happy again." I said
"Y/n you will feel happy again trust me okay? He has hurt you and I know that and it hurts. But you need to let go of him and focus on the future." He replied
"I can't let go. He's said way to much to be let go. It's a constant nightmare. It's a nightnare replayed over and over an over again. It's a loop of constant heartbreak, torture, everything. I'm broken and all I can do is disappear." I said
"No you can't! Please for me! For me Y/n! For me! Your my best friend and I need you! You can't just kill yourself! It won't help you!" he said crying
"I love you Colby Brock. I always did. But I can't feel or be happy anymore. Brennen has hurt me too much. And I can't be fixed. I'm a broken piece of glasses that's been stepped on too much." I replied.
I ended the call. I stared out into the street. I wanted to die I've been hurt over an over and over again. From middle school to now I've been used over and over again. Why put myself in more hurtful relationships an put myself in more heartbreak, when I could end it. I could pull the cord and have a new life. I could be happier. I could finally be with my mom. I can be happy. I might leave Colby but he is my rock and I love him no matter what. But I can feel anything anymore I'm too broken. I feel numbness in my body. I started the car and drove to Colby's. As I drove I thought of everything. I thought of friends and family. I thought of Colby. Especially him. I arrived at the apartment complex. I rang for Colby with an immediate answer. I got in and walked up to his apartment. When I got there he was outside and he immediately pulled me into a hug.
"You scared me so much!" he said crying
"I'm sorry." I said
We sat on the couch and talked about everything. The numbness was going away and I felt happy with Colby. With Brennen I felt sad and scared. Colby make me a happy person.
"Y/n I'm in love with you. I love every bit of you, the smallest things make me love you more. When you came here because of Brennen all I wanted to do was give you a kiss and tell you everything is going to be okay." he admitted
"Colby I love you too. You've helped me do much and mean everything to me." I said back
"I know you just got out of a hurtful breakup but will you be mine?" he asked
"Forever and always." I said smiling
A/n- This was sad. But here's a funny story from today that had me on the floor dying.
So my brother is 7 and he watches Sam and Colby because of me(not ashamed). He recently got his hair cut extremely short. Well today my mom told my brother his hair is super short and didn't mean to cut it that short. And my brother out  of no where says really loud. I WISH MY HAIR WAS BLUE AND LONG LIKE COLBY'S. My mom already knew who Colby was but my dad didn't so he said Kobe Bryant. And I just started laughing so hard. I don't know why it was so funny but I was dying with laughter.

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