Good morning

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I woke up to the warmth of the sun hitting my back. I also felt the warmth of my two year old daughter rose cuddled up next to me. I slowly turned to look at the beautiful human next to me. Rose was peacefully sleeping with her long brown hair in her face. I looked to the other side of the bed to see no Colby. I pulled the blanket off and walked out the door to look for Colby. I heard slight music of valley girl playing, I then heard Colby singing along. I walked up behind him and hugged his waist.
Colby- Good morning beautiful. He said smiling
Y/n- Morning baby! I said back
I looked over his shoulder and saw him making pancakes and bacon. I smiled and hugged his waist harder than before.
Y/n- You didn't have to make breakfast. I said
Colby- I know but I thought you would like to sleep in. He replied back.
I smiled and walked back into the room to wake up Rose.
Y/n- Rose sweetie time to get up! I said
I walked up beside the bed and kneeled down. I slowly rubbed my hand up her back. I heard Colby walk into the bedroom. He came beside me and smiled. He got onto the bed and began jumping Rose immediately jumped up and started laughing.
Rose- Dada! She said smiling
Colby- Hi princess good morning! He said smiling.
Rose jumped up and hugged me.
Rose- Hi mama! She said laughing
Y/n- Hi sweetheart! I said smiling
I picked her up as we all walked to the kitchen. I placed Rose in her highchair. I cut up her pancakes and placed it on her little table.
We all began to eat, Rose of course made a mess.
Y/n- Thank you baby for making breakfast I appreciate it a lot! I said
Colby- Your welcome princess! He said smiling.
We all finished eating and I started cleaning the dishes. I heard giggles and laughs coming from down the Hall. I ignored it thinking they were playing with Rose's dolls. I then felt something hit my back and bright pink strings flying everywhere. They were attacking me with silly string. I duck down and began crawling out of the kitchen hiding beside the island. I felt Colby lift me up and ran into the room, Rose followed behind. I was placed on the bed with Colby on top of me, Rose little foot steps and laughter came to a stop with a sudden gasp.
Rose- Dada! Mama gonna dwie! She said worried
Y/n- It's okay sweetie I'm fine! I said reassuring
We stayed like this for awhile, while Rose was asleep on the couch watching Mickey Mouse. Me and Colby soon fell asleep after.

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