Prank (gone wrong)

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A/n- Just pretend this is in the trap house!
I was sitting in devyns and Corey's room waiting for devyn to return with food. I heard Kat and Sam talking I then heard my name in the conversation. I quietly walked to the door and started listening. "Do you think Colby will tell her I mean this has been going on for months." Sam whispered to Kat. "Yeah I mean I never thought he would cheat on her!" Kat whispered yelled. My emotions were crazy at the moment. I didn't know what to say or do. "What was her name again?" Kat asked. "Lilly" Sam said quickly. I whipped the door opened and stormed my way to me and Colby's shared room. I slammed the door open looking directly at Colby. I was fuming with anger. "Are you kidding me!" I yelled at him. "What? What's wrong baby?" He asked walking up to me. "Don't call me baby! You have been cheating on me for months! Colby you proposed to me months ago!" I yelled while crying. "I didn't cheat! Where did you get that from?" He asked. "I heard kat and Sam talking about it!" I yelled. I walked to my suitcase and started throwing things into it. "Babe wait stop!" He yelled. "Don't come near me!" I yelled. I walked to the drawers and started ripping them apart. I grabbed everything that I owned and stuffed it in. "Baby stop I didn't cheat look at me!" He said grabbing my hand. "Colby for the love of God stop lying!" I said yelling. Sam and Kat were at the door with a camera. "YOU JUST GOT PRANKED!" They yelled together. I slammed my hands on the dresser. Colby came over to me hugging my waist. "Baby see I told you! I would never cheat!" He said placing soft kisses on my back. I was still a little mad and I need to take a minute. I walked to grab my keys. "I'm not mad at anyone I just need air." I said walking out. I heard Colby run after me grabbing my hands. "Babe if you think I was apart of the prank I wasn't I promise." He said worried. "I know but I just need air." I said planting a soft kiss on his lips. I walked out to my car and drove for an hour or so. I then came home to me and Colby's room completely clean. Colby was laying down facing the wall. I walked up to him and rubbed his back he turned around and immediately pulled me into a hug. "Baby I missed you!" He said. "I missed you too." I said back. I got up and changed into one of Colby's shirts and layed down. "I'm sorry I freaked out on you." I said to Colby while tracing his eyebrows. "It's not your fault you didn't know it was a prank." He said admiring my eyes. I stopped tracing his eyebrows. I leaned down and kissed his lips. He kissed back he went to my neck and found my sweet spot leaving a hickey. I let out a little moan. "CAN Y'ALL NOT HAVE SEX RIGHT NOW!" Corey yelled. Me and Colby laughed. "Be quiet princess." He whispered before going back to my neck.
A/n- I honestly love this! Also you guys are amazing! You all leave the nicest comments it makes my heart explode with love! I lerv you all! 💕

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