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C H A P T E R   O N E


third person point of view

"I just don't understand what your problem is!"

"Oh, oh, my problem? You are the one who started this argument!"

"Don't you dare think about turning the tables on me! How dare you. You can't just throw it back on me like that when you brought us this argument about Roger anyway! He has done no harm to you whatsoever Thomas... you haven't even met the bloody man!"

"Maybe if you weren't such a slut and draped yourself all over that man this argu-"

Olivia cut him off while tears pricked her eyes

"How dare you call me such a thing! I have never been anything close to what you're currently describing me as and you. You, just make it so hard for me to be myself these days! You're basically the one who comes home drunk, barely able to stand almost every night, the one with no money to provide for yourself, which costs me. The one who barely has a sober part of their brain anymore. The one who forces me into things i don't have particular interest in, and getting to the point of physically hurting me. I honestly can't believe you anymore. i've had it up to HERE with you Thomas!"

by this point, Thomas was left with no words, his jaw hit the floor from shock, yet he was still so mad and hungover from the previous night. he stepped forward.

"And to think i was going to ask you to marry me soon. God forbid a thought like that would even cross my 'drunk brain' because I for sure know that I would never marry you after tonight, a ugly whore who can't even control herself by the looks of it."

He takes another few steps forward until their noses are inches away from touching. He forcefully reaches his arm out to grab his bottle of drink, skulls it until it's in it's own form of drought with no liquid left, and slams it down, smashing it on the bench.

"Get away from me you psycho!" Olivia screams, tears streaming down her face, but refuses to show how weak she is by not letting any sobs come from her throat. Thomas just chuckles slightly, pushing her into the dressing table with his hand gripped so tightly on her shoulders he can already feel bruises forming where his thumbs are consistently pushing into her skin.

"And without me.you would be no one. I gave you a life you could only dream of. but-"

Olivia cuts him off

"But what?" she says letting a sob come from her throat. "But dont think this is the end?" she questions him. he stands there with this smug look on his face that could kill.

"Well i'd hate to break it to you, but i'm done with you. You are insane. Pack your things, get out of my apartment and just make sure of one thing, that I never see your face again before I take this to extreme measures." she says, as he grips her shoulders more tightly.

She flinches, in excruciating pain with tears streaming down her face. she tries to break free of his grip before he does any more damage.

"Oh honey, this isn't the end, and I can promise you that you bitch"

And without warning he grips her shoulders even more tightly than before and flings her about 1 meter across the room where her top half lands on the bed and her knee almost dislocated as the weight of the other leg bangs against the leg that slammed on the bed frame.

He walks over to her, looking down on her and slaps her cheek then pulls her up to stand, in which she can barely do. At this point, tears are streaming down her face, sobs are coming from her throat and she is doubled over in pain.

"I'll gladly leave right now before your mans comes over, wouldn't want to disrupt any flings going on you know?"

He pulls her up into a standing position before pushing her forcefully and violently into her dresser, where her hip collides with the corner of the table. she falls over, trembling, shaking and crying violently before she hears the slam of the front door. she lays still in the position she lands in and cries until she's left with harsh sobs coming from her mouth with no tears falling from her eyes.


hey everyone

i hope you enjoyed (to say the least... pretty harsh way to open the story,, yikes) the first chapter! it's a bit all over the place i know and i'm super sorry, but it's my first time writing so please be easy on me... hehe

next chapter will be up soon!


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