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C H A P T E R  T W O


olivia's point of view

I had immediately thought of how long I had been lying on the ground for after I woke up from a short nap.

I forgot I had been battered and bruised, and possibly broken from the insane man I called my boyfriend. Well now ex - even if he doesn't know that. It was like a weight had been lifted of my shoulders to know that he was finally gone from my life, Jesus Christ I couldn't have been more relieved.

Then a thought dawned on me. I didn't know what the time was, I was lying on the ground, not being able to move and in clothes that were partly ripped and had blood on them, and since I didn't know the time, I knew Roger Meddows Taylor, one of the most attractive men I may have ever laid my eyes on - who I also call one of my best friends, and my brother John, would be over here in any moment to move Roger in to my apartment.

I started to roll over from my back to my hands and knees. I eventually got to that point, and it was a celebratory moment I had to myself while cursing through the pain I was in. I don't know what that disgusting man did to me, but it really fucken hurt.

I eventually got to my feet after 4 tries, but was still doubled over, not being able to stand up straight; Plus, I had to put most of my weight in my right leg because of my left hip and knee, I could barely stand on the left leg. I was starting to consider something serious has been hurt in my body, but then pushed that thought to the side so I could prepare for Roger to move in.

I hobbled over to the edge of my wardrobe and slid open the door to get out a long summer dress out to put on. It was a nice khaki green, and I paired it with hoops. It was long and had t-shirt like sleeves, so they boys wouldn't notice anything that happened today. Even though i was in a lot of pain, I was sure nothing like bruises or cuts, etc, would come of it anyways.

I limped my way out into the kitchen where i quickly washed up while standing on one leg most of the time. After this, I tried to teach myself a quick normal-looking walk I could portray while trying to go around the house cleaning different things up.

I looked at the clock, it read 4:27pm in the afternoon. I realised that the boys would be here in about 10 minutes or less, if they were on time, so I tried to walk normally, but failed embarrassingly while walking towards my room to see if any mess was left from the, uh, incident, this afternoon.

I walked to my dresser and paused, reliving every moment of the fight. I noticed blood stains on my carpet, while it being noticeably wet from all the crying I did for the hour or so I was lying there. I quickly moved a spare basket over the stain and checked myself in the mirror, making sure I looked half decent for the drummer god that was about to move in to my apartment. I noticed my cheeks were still red and my eyes were puffy, resulting in why I chucked on some mascara to try and draw the attention from my eyes, which worked in some sort of way.

I raced, well, more like hobbled to roger's new room and quickly made sure everything was in place and his corner for his drum kit was in impeccable condition.

I heard the all familiar, eager knocks at the door. I gave up on the normal walk until the other two boys walked in the room.

i went straight to the door and opened it to a smiling roger, tight jeans, white button up with half the buttons up top undone, adidas tennis shoes, hands in his pocket and a fag hanging from his mouth. i smiled at him with wide eyes and awe, after not seeing him in seven months and hoped I wasn't drooling or crying because of me missing him and my emotions getting all over the place, while also hoping he wouldn't notice any of the minor changes to my physical appearance.

"Hey love! I've missed you!"


hey everyone

i hope you somewhat enjoyed this chapter, some juice to continue the story!!!
please just know that as the story continues on that the chapters do get significantly longer and more interesting.

i hope you've had a wonderful day!


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