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(hahah song title = chapter title)


third person point of view

The couple's daughter was whisked away from them almost straight after they soothed her to sleep. They hadn't even had five minutes with her before they took her for all her mandatory testing because she was a premature baby, being born at 36 weeks and 3 days, it still classified as premie.

While lying there, against Roger's chest, Olivia almost fell asleep and Roger told her too, but she went fully against the idea, scared she'll miss when Tia comes back in from her check over.

She eventually fell asleep, as did Roger; but Roger awoke once John walked in the room and shook his shoulder lightly to get him to stir.

"Rog, hey, Roger," He whispered as he blinked and realised it was John. "Congratulations! Where is she?"

He yawned. "Premie checkover, hasn't been long, O gave birth like 25 minutes ago."

"Really? She's out like a light."

"Well it took me a bit to get her to actually sleep, but it's not like she didn't just give birth or anything, Deaky."

"Right," He muttered before looking up at a nurse entering the room, nudging Roger's shoulder as he began to doze off again. "Rog!"

"Mhm? Oh, hello."

"Hi love, you Roger Taylor?"

"That's me."

"And this your partner? Olivia Deacon?"

"Yep, sorry, she's asleep, d'you want me to wake her up or-?"

"No no, 's alright, she's fine. Just wanted to let you know your little one is doing really well, cleared all her tests and she'll come back here in a little while to be weighed, measured and have her physical check over before her first bath, alright?"

"Oh that's so good to hear, thank you for letting me know. I'll tell her when she wakes up."

"Of course, and nurses will be coming in here soon as well to do a check over Olivia, so when they come in here in a few you'll have to slip out from behind her," She said, using her hands to refer to the current position. "But if you do it and she stays asleep, that's fine. They can do her tests and whatnot while she's asleep."

"Okay, thank you so much."

"Not a problem, congratulations again."

And she walked out, almost colliding into an ecstatic Freddie walking into the room.

"Hello darlings!" He exclaims, making Olivia stir, John and Roger grimacing.

"Fred, she's asleep, mate." Rog mutters as he comes closer to the pair on the bed.


John stands up to greet Freddie, and then remains standing as the whole crew walk in the door, obviously not being able to keep up with an enthusiastic and excited Freddie.

"Mary, Chrissie," John says, kissing them both on the cheek before nodding his head at Bri. "Hey Bri."

"Hello John, how are they?"

"Tired, baby is at premie testing." John says and Brian nods in agreement before catching up with Veronica and Alana.

"Hi love," John starts before kissing her and then moving to kiss a half asleep Alana on the forehead. "How are you both?"

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