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olivia's point of view

a/n: i wrote this whole chapter and realised i was basing it off an earlier chapter and not the latest so i have to do a massive... like massive time skip of 9 months or something. please forgive, i'd rather have a some what understandable timeline then the mess i would have created without doing a time skip! xx


I admired those who were running around on Christmas Eve, crawling through each and every hour of the day to find a present for their loved ones. I always prided myself for being organised and not being one of those people.

Until this year.

For goodness sake, what do you even by for a 24 year old insanely talented drummer of a boyfriend? Drum sticks in case he ran out of the constant supply being provided by someone other than you? Obviously not.

I decided to ring Mary because all the other boys had no idea what I should get him, and Mary works in Biba. Maybe she spotted something in that groovy shop? Maybe?

"Mary! Its Olivia." I said after hearing her greeting on the other side of the phone.

"Hi love! You alright? Why are you calling me on this god forsaken busy day?"

"Well, I haven't gotten anything for Roger yet and I can't possibly give him a late gift."

"Of course not? Do you need assistance?"

"Oh Mary please! I'm struggling!"

"I'll be over in 15 minutes, how does that sound?"

"I'll see you then, would you like me to make tea?"

"No dear, we have shopping to do." She said as she put the phone down without even saying goodbye.


Staying true to her word, Mary swept through the door exactly fifteen minutes after she put the phone down, already tugging me out the door.

Our first destination was Biba, as she said she saw many things that might interest him. We arrived after the short car journey and immediately piled into the men's clothing section in which I immediately spotted a shirt and a hat he would love. The shirt was a crisp white button up, while the hate was like a golfer's style hat, with bohemian style patterns on it in different colours.

Mary sense my excitement as I dragged her over to the specific section in which they sat.

"What size do you think Mary? I'm not good a this stuff."

"He's quite broad for his type, is he not?" She asked, while searching through the rack.

"This one. And maybe get him two of those hats, one in each different pattern. He'll love them."

"I was thinking just one hat and maybe I'll spot a jacket or something he else he may like, y'know?" I said as I picked up one hat.

"Okay, lead the way love."

I walked us through to the cash register, making sure she didn't need anything for Freddie as we exited the mens' section, in which she replied with "I'm organised."

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