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third person

"So, Olivia, love, you're currently sitting at 33 weeks today and baby girl is developing right and is nice and calm."

"33 weeks already? Sheesh." Roger says, blowing out a breath before Olivia squeezes his hand tighter as more gel is rubbed onto her stomach.

"You alright?" The Doctor, better known as Jasmine, asked.

"Mhm, thank you." Olivia replied calmly.

"So today we can see baby's breathing patterns and if we're lucky, maybe a few kicks today as well."

Olivia and Roger were still waiting for little Tia to have some fun in the womb, utterly confused at why she hadn't kicked yet, but Jasmine, their doctor, said it wasn't that she 'hadn't' kicked, but that her movements were probably only fairly small and not enough to say, for instance, wake Olivia up in the night, which is when a lot of the movement happens - when the mother is still.

Olivia would be lying is she said she wasn't disappointed when Jasmine had told them that she had been kicking, but she'd missed them.

But her head perks up at the sound of her baby's heart beat filling the room, smile appearing on her face as she sees the image on the ultrasound screen pop up and she can't help but thank anything and everything that this pregnancy was going, and well on its way to a completely positive one with, by the looks of it, a pregnancy ending on full term.

But did the couple know that?

No, of course not. Like usual.


"O, love?"


"Just know, thinking about what Jasmine said, and stuff."


"She says not to be surprised if Braxton Hicks begin soon, so if they happen and you need something-"

"Roger, stop being dramatic, I'll be fine. They're only supposed to be short contractions and not that painful."

"I know, I know, but she said they can sometimes get painful, so I just wanted to let you know that if you ever need me, or like, I don't know, food, just yell out or call me when I'm at the studio, okay?"

"Okay love, if it won't make you worry, then that's fine by me."

"Good, because I'm beginning to stress a lot lately, 's all."

"Oh love, have you thought of any songs to write for the new album?"

"No, and that's what's stressing me out! The boys, th-they keep coming up with every single idea and I've got nothing and I just feel useless."

"Roger, you are not useless even if you feel you are."

"I am, I look like an idiot when everyone else has ideas and I don't."

"Christ Roger, you're in a famous rock band in the percussion and vocals section, you are not useless." Olivia scolded.

Olivia was beginning to realise everything that she put Roger through a few years back when she always used to put herself down and criticise herself for absolute no reason, because this is exactly what Roger has been beginning to do since the start of July since they began writing and recording for their new album, "A Day at the Races."

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