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roger's point of view

I had to see this girl.

It was beyond me. I was walking faster and faster, starting to jog the halls of this unknown ward on level three. I started to slow when I saw the room number 216. She was right down the hall. I paced myself, not even preparing myself for how traumatising this could be, or how positive this could be. I didn't really know what to do with myself.

I passed the door of 219-223 and realised she was the next room along. I turned right and walked in the room and stopped immediately just on the inside of her door with wide eyes.

She was hooked up to so many machines, sleeping. Hey eyelashes laid on her cheeks as her eyes remained closed. She looked so relaxed and beautiful. I was basically swooning at the angel I saw before me.

I didn't even realise how long I had been standing there for when a nurse grabbed my attention after trying to do so for what seemed like a couple of minutes before hand, from what it looked like.

"Sir, are you okay? Would you like to take a seat?" She asked.

I kind of just gave her an apprehensive nod and sat down in the chair beside her. The nurse changed a few of her drips and checked the time.

"I know you know visiting hours are up, considering its... 3:11am... But I'm assuming you came through emergency with this one, hm?"

"Yeah, yeah I did. It was a bit eventful to say the least." I replied, my gaze still fixated on Olivia.

"Well, I changed her drips and she seems to be doing alright for just blacking out pretty suddenly a bit earlier before you brought her in. She should be awake in the morning, maybe around late morning, give or take, okay?"

"Okay, thanks so much."

I gave a little gesture of recognition towards the nurse and she smiled in return and strolled out of the room.

I turned my focus back on Olivia, thinking of something to say to her. Even though I know she can't hear me, I like to think she can.

"Hi darlin'. It's Rog. I hope you're okay, and that you're not in too much pain. I just want you to know..." I said before grabbing her hand and intertwining my fingers with her own ever so slow and softly. "That, I miss you. I want you to wake up, because I can't imagine leaving this hospital without you. I'm not going to leave until you get to go home, to our home, okay? I can't wait to live with you and experience this new chapter of my life with you as a housemate." and maybe as something more.. I thought to myself. "Love you lots sweetheart, I'll be here when you wake up, okay?"

I finished speaking to her and pressed little kisses to her knuckles. She really is one of my best friends and I care about her more than anyone will ever know.

I then sat there, next to the bed and held her hand with mine, with my back hunched over and my eyes' own gaze fixed at the floor. I was humming a sweet little tune I came up with for however long I was sitting there. I put my head up and searched the bare walls for a clock.

I squinted, trying to read the damn thing from about 4 meters away because I didn't want to let go of Olivia's hand. I ended up going against my own wishes as my eyesight is pure shit.

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