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Reid, Hotch, Morgan, and Camilla were discussing what they found when Emily and Rossi walked in the room.

"All three victims were kidnapped at Big Bear Park" Emily said sitting down.

"What?" Reid asked.

"Every victim goes to the park at a certain time everyday" Rossi stated.

"I think we have profile" Hotch stated.

the team gathered the police officers to give the profile.

"This man is attracted to women 25 - 30 years old. He is more than likely is his early 30's" Hotch stated.

"The unsub picks these women because they probably resemble a women in their life that has effected them emotionally" Camilla added.

"When he abducts the women he feels he has to be in control" Morgan said.

Emily interrupted and said. "They just found Alexa Brown in an alley near the park" Hotch kept thinking over the case.

"Im sending someone undercover" Hotch said.

"But who fits the victimology?" Camilla asked.

The team all thought for a minute and then looked at Camilla.

"Guys no, why do you all hate me so much" Camilla said.

"You're the only one who fits the profile. Sorry Camilla" Reid said looking at her with his big brown eyes.

Camilla puts on a jogging suit and hooked up a mic to her shirt.

"Well hot mama dont you look wonderful" Morgan said trying to make Camilla feel better.

"Thanks dude" Camilla said.

"Are you okay with this?" Hotch asked.

"I'm pretty sure you heard me when I said guys no, why do you all hate me meaning I hate this and I'm nervous, but as long as we catch this guy and I don't end up dead its good"Camilla said angry.

Camilla went to the park and jogged everyday. On the first day, nothing suspicious happened. The second was exactly the same as the first. Finally, on the third day Camilla felt that someone was following her. Before she had time to turn around she was hit in the head and knocked unconscious.

The team was listening through headphones when they suddenly heard Camilla scream and fall to the ground. They heard a car door open and slam shut.

When Reid heard this he freaked out and felt tears forming in his eyes. The team kept listening and they heard the engine turn off and the door open. The man opened the door and carried Camilla into the basement cellar. He tied her up and left the room.

Camilla woke up to a dim light over head head. She tried to move, but found that her arms and legs were tied to a table. She could feel a sharp pain in the back of her head where she was hit. After a few minutes a man came into the room.

"Hello my name is Tyler"

"Thats not a great way to introduce yourself to someone when they are tied down on a table" Camilla said.

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