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The next morning, Camilla woke up and was wearing a bathrobe over her pajamas.Her back was to him as she stood in front of the counter making coffee. Clearing his throat, Hotch watched as she spun around.

"OHh, Good morning." she smiled.

"Morning." he placed her phone in the center and met her eyes. "Thank you so much for last night."

"Knew you needed it." she held up her mug. "Coffee?"

"Please." Hotch answered. They sat in front of each other as silence dominated the room for a few moments while Hotch sipped his drink.

"Did you sleep well?" She asked.

Hotch nodded, he eyed her hands, longing to take them, but something held him back. Instead he asked. "Are you going in?"

"Yeah. We're planning on reopening the Finch investigation." she watched him closely, gauging his reaction. His face remained stoic, as usual.

"You'll have to stay here." she continued. "No one-"

"Can know im here." he finished. "I know."

Camilla bit her lip. She hated seeing him like this. Slowly she slid her hand across the counter and rested it on his. After a moment he twisted his around so their fingers laced together.

"Camilla." he started.

"It's okay, Hotch. I understand." she began to untangle her hand from his, but he held on, not letting her move.

"No, it's not. I've been pushing you away, and you don't deserve that."

"You've had you life flipped upside down these past few months. It's a major change, and with everything that's going on I would actually be surprised of you accepted me with open arms."

"Still, I mean you are my wife."

"Hotch, I know."

A silent "I love you." passed between them as Hotch squeezed her hand. They stayed there for a while before Hotch drew away.


When Camilla entered the round table room twenty minutes later, everyone else was already seated. Case files were spread out on the table.

"How is he?" Rossi asked, coffee mug in hand. The rest of the team raised their eyes and listened to Camilla's answer.

"As well as can be expected." she responded dropping into a chair. "You know he hates being sidelined."

"It's for his safety." Rossi reminded her.

"Yea I keep reminding myself that."

"What's going on with you two?" Morgan asked.

Camilla kept her face blank. "I'm sorry?"

"Yeah, what's going on?" Emily chimed in. "You two seemed off yesterday."

"He just came home after three months!" she exclaimed. "Of course he would seem off!"

moonstruck//Aaron hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now