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"Garcia, what do you have?" Rossi answered his phone. They were all at the station giving statements, he and Reid had already finished, and insisting at least one of their team be present during the interrogation. Before they began, they were tracking down information on the man.

"Well uh, I know why his name rang a bell to me." she began, voice hesitant and anxious.

"Why's that?" He presses.

"He's on the list of weirdos. Every time Camilla gets a bundle of fan mail, she gives me all the creepy ones, and I've been doing a little snooping and putting them in a little database. It was to protect her in case one of them got more aggressive than mail. But I didn't think I check them all and see any of them were in an area before you left. I should sorry."

"It's not your fault Garcia. Can you fax us copies of what he's sent her?"


"What information do you have on him?" Reid asked.

"George Liberman, 37, never married, no children, and he actually lives in Meadowville which is almost an hour away from Ryeburg. he works at a customer service line for Dell Computers, lives very much within means, his only debt being his house he's paying a mortgage on. No strange charges on his credit or debit cards, no criminal record, but a woman named Joy Hepburn filed a restraining order against him two years ago. From the text it looks like they were seeing each other, and when he started to get territorial and possessive, she broke it off. He started stalking her after that following her, calling her, sending her flowers, chocolates, and cards. He's a total creep, guys."

Reid nodded, already studying the cards and letters he'd sent to Camilla. "He's a narcissist."

"What can you two get from those letters?" Sheriff asked.

"He's in a job he's too smart for, probably because he makes people uncomfortable, his attitude his general demeanor, maybe even his mannerism." Rossi said, studying the first card. "He's convinced she needs protecting and he's the man to do it. It's a way for him to have power, and feed his ego. I guarantee you when we walk in there he going to say he was trying to protect her, thats all."

"He also believes he loves her." Reid added. "And, he probably thinks she loves him, or will grow too, because he's her protector. He has sort of an old fashioned and certainly archaic view of romance."

"So, you want to talk to this freak?"

"Agent Reid will assist one of your detectives, if that's okay."

"Mr. Liberman, do you make a habit of breaking into women's hotel rooms, and assaulting them in the middle of the night?" Detective White asked.

"I did not assault her! I'd never hurt Camilla! Don't you know she's been hurt enough, with what that animal did to her?" Liberman was tense, the muscles in his neck taught, his body rigid in the chair.

"You're referring to her abduction, rape and almost killed." Reid commented.

"Yes I am Agent Reid."

"Have you been watching everyone on the team too, or have you just noticed us as you were watching her?"

"I need to know who she spends time with, to keep her safe. I'd never forgive myself if I let her get hurt like that again."

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