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Mentions of suicide.

At the moment Hotch and Camilla were laying down on the bed and watching tv. Camilla's phone started to ring and she answered looking worried. Hotch looked over at her and her face became pale and his smile was gone. "What's the matter?" Hotch asked.

Camilla let out a shaky sigh. "Is everything alright?" Hotch asked. She grabbed her keys, put on some better clothes and headed for the door.

"I have to go."

Hotch grabbed her arm and stopped her. "What's the matter?"

"My, ah, sister is in the hospital and my mother just called and said she wasn't dealing with it this time."

"Dealing with what?" Hotch asked.

"She tried to kill herself again."

Charlotte Perez was only 19 years old but she had been through more shit than most 40 years old. She was born into a middle class hard working family with two older sisters Camilla being the oldest at 25 and Cassidy being the middle child at 22 years old. She wasted her money on drugs and alcohol. She knew the job that Camilla was doing and knew that she was always working. Camilla was like the golden child and Charlotte was the bad seed.

As soon as she hit double digits Charlotte began experimenting with drugs, heroin becoming her one of choice. No one ever understood why such a beautiful and gifted young lady would dabble with such dangerous things she would never give them answers. Through out her early teens she was in and out of hospitals just like Camilla when she tried to kill herself.

Charlotte had a headache so she took two aspirins and 15 minutes later she had gone back into the bathroom and taken the rest of the bottle. All she wanted was to numb the pain and fall asleep. The first time she was 14. The second time she was 16 and tried to jump off the roof of an apartment complex but landing on top of a delivery top and breaking her left leg and right wrist. The third time she was 17 she purposely overdosed but her dealer freaked out and called 911. The fourth time she slit her wrist in the bathroom of a motel she was staying in but the housekeeping woman found her. Now she was lying in a hospital bed to drugged up to even know what day it was or what her own name was.


Camilla Perez sat outside of her sister's hospital room waiting for the doctor to come out and give her the okay to go in. Hotch sat right next to her holding her hand. He didnt have to be there but when she told him what was going on back at her apartment he insisted on going with her.

"Your sister is going to be alright." Hotch told her breaking the uneasy silence that had fallen over them.

Camilla flinched and moved her hand away. "No it's not. It's never going to be ok with Charlotte."

Before Hotch could say anything else the doctor came out of the room. Camilla and Hotch shot up and waited for him to say something.

"You're Camilla Perez, Charlotte's sister?" The doctor asked.


"Charlotte is going to be fine." Camilla let out a relieved sigh. "She cut her wrists up pretty bad though, any deeper and she wouldn't be here. She's lucky she was found when she was. I have her on a few drugs to stop the pain and help her sleep. Because of the situation she will have to be released into your care when we let her out and some sort arrangements for psychiatric hospitals can be worked out from there. You can go in and see her now."

Camilla uncertainly made her way into the small room and had to look away when she saw her baby sister lying in a hospital bed unconscious. It wasn't the first time she had seen her like this but there was something so strange about this time. She hadn't seen Charlotte in six months and now she had to see her like this. Her wrist were tightly bandaged and an IV was stuck in her arm. Her skin color was a ghostly white and she looked so broken and helpless. Camilla was so used to the smart ass that had a fuck you attitude towards the world and the people in it. The only time she really remembered her being sweet and carefree was before she turned 11 years old. Camilla walked over to the edge of the bed and brushed Charlotte long bangs out o her eyes as Hotch watched on.

"Looks like it'a just going to be me and you kid."

Charlotte shifted in her sleep and leaned into Camilla's touch. "Did I finally do it? Am I gone?" Charlotte asked in her slurred and drugged up state.

Hotch's cell phone began vibrating and he slipped out of the room and answered it. "Hotch"

"Hotch, it's JJ. You better come in, it's bad."


Morgan, Reid, JJ, Rossi, Prentiss, and Garcia were already waiting in the conference room when Hotch and Camilla arrived. Emma wouldn't be awake for hours and she needed to get her mind onto something else no matter how horrible it was.

Camilla and Hotch took a seat and Hotch reached for a case file, flipping it open. "How bad is it?" He asked JJ.

JJ picked up the small remote and pointed it towards the white screen. Crime scene photos of a young girl appeared and Garcia closed her eyes. The little girl's body was lying lifeless among the rubble and sheet rock. Her clothes looked as though they had been stripped off and put back on haphazardly.

"This is Rebecca Sanderson." JJ began.

"Sanderson? That name sounds familiar." Rossi stated.

"It should." JJ stated. "She's the daughter of James Sanderson who's the founder and owner of Sanderson and Sons Construction. The man is worth millions and right now he's on the war path and ready to murder whoever did this to his little girl."

"Her clothes look like they were taken off and then put back on in a sloppy rush. Maybe someone could have interrupted the person who did this to her and he was in a rush." Camilla said studying the photos closely.

"A piece of Rebecca's dress is missing meaning that our unsub took a souvenir along with him" Morgan said.

"Last month Lydia Cole was sexually molested in her bedroom by a stranger. He also ripped off a piece of clothing from her night gown as souvenir. Lydia was badly beaten and her nanny found her on the floor when she went to check on her bed. She was lucky to have survived. Rebecca Sanderson was strangled to death." JJ brought up a photo a bruised nine year old Lydia Cole that had been taken at the hospital a month ago.

"Lydia Cole? As in Cole Oil?" Reid asked.

"It looks like this guy has a sick taste for girls who come from a background of money." Hotch said.

"You know most cases involving sexual abuse are usually linked to someone who's closer or even in the family" Reid told the team.

"I'll do background checks on all listed predators in the D.C area. Maybe one of them is connected to both of the families." Garcia said closing up her laptop and leaving the conference room.

"Reid and Morgan you two go talk to James Sanders and find out anything that you can about what happened that night. JJ work your magic with the press because I have a bad feeling this is going to become story number one. Camilla..."

Camilla's phone wet off and she answered it. "Miss Perez this is Doctor Jones. Your sister woke up earlier than we expected."

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