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"Victimology bothers me" Rossi turned at her statement. They were on their way back from court. "Care too elaborate."

She bit her lip and sighed. "A lot of the files we'll see, the caregivers for these children were...uh not the most respectable people. These women he's attacking, they have decent jobs, they're good people, not the type you'd imagine would abuse children."

"Oh Camilla, you know as well as I do all types of people hurt their children, and some are very good appearing upstanding to the outside world."

She nodded. "Exactly, that's my point. I think we can use that to narrow down the search."

"You mean remove all the white trash from the list." he glanced at her.

"I wouldn't necessarily put it that way, but something like that. We had to have brought back over a hundred files Rossi, and we can't be certain he's in there, especially considering victimology."

"You think we should pursue other leads." he said.

"Do we have any other leads to pursue?"

He seemed to condor that, and then swung the wheel around, turning away from the police station. "Uh Rossi?"

"It's noon. we'll grab lunch and go over this again, yank something out."

They parked in the parking lot and killed the engine.

"Charming spot for lunch." she said.

He smiled. "We're hidden here. No press, no gawkers. Take a minute to breathe Camilla."

She nodded. "And, here I thought I was covering so well."

"You're keeping it together enough to fool everyone outside the team, and considering last night, I think you're handling yourself admirably. Now eat something."

After the finished eating they got back to work. "So, what do we know about these women, besides that they have respectable, though no high paying or powerful jobs, and that they're between 23-30?"

"Uh, well they're all singles, not much for social lives, so probably pretty introverted." she sipped on her tea. "They're the quiet girls, the ones who did well in school, but never participated in clubs or sports. They're smart enough to do more, but becasue they're so shy, they stick with what's comfortable, even if it way below their abilities. They'd be easily intimidated by a strange man in their bedrooms. But, they have their own homes, they're independent, not waiting for a husband. So they can take care of themselves and would be cautious. like any woman that lives alone."

Rossi took his drink. "So, he attacks women that have developed their own sense of security living alone, but would probably not fight back much. This doesn't sound like he's killing the woman who abused him."

" could be that he's attacking weaker women because the stronger ones are too frightening for him. He can't dominate a woman like the one who abused him, but theses women he could."

"He's searching out women he can dominate, but still, he reaps his violence on the animals, not the women?"

"Well, I think it's obvious that he's very conflicted. He's punishing her, but he can't truly punish her, not yet. Maybe, he's never admitted what she did to him, not even to himself. He's used to suppressing fears and anger, and it's hard to break that pattern."

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