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Charlotte seriously thought about leaving for a good ten minutes before giving the idea up. The sad truth was she had no where to go, no money, and the only people she could possibly stay with were probably in jail. She did have to admit her sister had some serious skills as she looked through the kitchen. There wasn't an alcoholic beverage in sight and all objects she could have used to hurt herself were missing and most likely looked away somewhere. She gave up and decided to just watch TV instead. She mindlessly flipped around for a few minutes before finally landing on sone new stadium where a press conference was being held. A pretty young blonde stood at a podium addressing the press.

"Our team is doing everything they can to catch this person. If anyone has any information at all please call the hotline number below. Any piece of information could greatly help us."

Charlotte flipped the channel again and landed on another news station. A woman who looked like she had way too much plastic surgery was reporting a breaking news story.

"This morning 10 year old Jessica Lane's body was found in one of her fathers brewing factories. She was discovered by worker Ricky Brown. Sources said she had been sexually molested. The police and FBI have no leads right now and are asking for anyone with knowledge or information about these horrible crimes to please come forward"

Charlotte quickly clicked off the television and laid down on the couch curling herself into a little ball. If there was ever a time for alcohol it was right then. She decided to turn the apartment inside out and look for where Camilla hid the alcohol.


"This girl was only 10 years old." Morgan said sadly as Hotch and Camilla ducked under the police tape.

"C&C." Camilla said curiously looking at the piece of paper hanging from the note. "Any ideas on what it could stand for?"

"It could be our killers initials. Maybe he's taunting us." Prentiss said.

"I doubt it. This guys too careful to leave a clue as big as that" Rossi said shooting down her theory down quickly.

"I already talked with Garcia and she's going over the factories security camera as we speak." A dissapointing look fell over Morgan's face. "As good as my baby girl is I doubt she'll find something if anything at all. This guy unfortunately is a pro."

"What about the lead we had on Thomas Hall the construction worker for Sanderson?" Hotch asked.

"Thomas Hall has a solid alibi. He's been in Las Vegas for the past three weeks visiting family and gambling." Reid told him.

Rossi looked over at Hotch. "We have a few shots of him in the casino roughly around the time both girls were murdered."

"It looked like our trail has been cut off unless Garcia finds something on one of those security videos or JJ gets a really good tip from the hotline number she put out there. This guy isn't going to stop killing until he's caught or he's dead" Reid said.

"When we get back to the office I'll see what I can find about the little note he left behind. Maybe it's the initials of his next victim." Morgan looked at the young girl's body and pinched the bridge of his nose trying to keep an oncoming headache at bay.

"I'll see who else Cole, Sanderson and Lane are close with that are made of money also, especially the ones with young children and little girls. Our unsub could be going through some sort of list." Hotch informed the team.

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