ch. 33

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Being greeted by an empty flying bed pan was no surprise for Camilla Perez as she opened the door marked 112. Two nurses were standing in defensive modes, one wielding a needle probably filled with some type of sedative. Charlotte was standing on the other side of the bed wobbling slightly and her IV was ripped out. She looked angry and confused. She expected and wanted to be dead so it was a bit of a crushing blow to wake up in a hospital and find out just the opposite had happened.

"Sweetheart you need to calm down." One of the nurses said in a shaky voice.

"Dont call me sweetheart! I'm not your fucking sweetheart!"

"Charlotte calm down." Camilla told her younger sister.

Charlotte looked over to the doorway and she dropped the tray if disgusting hospital food she was planning on throwing next. Her back hit the wall and she slid down it until she was sitting on the floor. She ran her hands over her face and through her long wavy hair. "I'm in hell aren't I? This is hell isnt it?" She was half joking and half serious.

"I think I can handle it from here." Camilla told the two frightened nurses and they gladly left.

"Well, well if it isnt little miss perfect" Charlotte said bitterly.

"Why did you do it?" It was the only thing that Camilla could ask.

"Hmm lets see shall we. I think the logical and best answer would be because I dont want to live anymore!"

"This is the fourth time Charlotte."

"No shit Camilla remember when you tried three times, yeah you don't get to talk to me about suicide, I mean clearly I'm doing something wrong if I'm still here"

"I always asked myself why I was always still here after every attempt. You have to know that it does get better and its not your time to go, you have a life waiting out their for you"

Charlotte looked at Camilla and gave her a small smile.

"They're releasing you into my custody for the time being."

"What? Thats bullshit! I'm not a two year old I can take care of myself"

"Charlotte you're at suicide risk and a drug addict, put two and two together"

"Oh please I've been taking care of myself for years now"

"No, you've jut been pushing everyone away for years." Camilla corrected her.


Camilla's entire body went into high alert mode when she got home and discovered that her door was unlocked, despite the fact that it was 5:30 in the morning and she was dead tired. She quietly pushed the door open and let her tense shoulders drop in relief when she saw Hotch sitting on her couch.

"You scared the shit out of me" She told him, throwing her bad and keys onto the kitchen counter.

"Remember you gave me your spare key"

"Oh right completely forgot"

Camilla walked over to the couch and fell down next to him, exhausted. She forgot that she did give hotch her spare key. The only thing Camilla wanted to do at that moment was curl in Aaron Hotchner's arms and fall asleep but those dreams were dashed when she noticed the file sitting next to him. "What's that?" She asked, part of her not really wanting to know.

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