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Hotch and Camilla stayed entangled on the couch for a long time after talking. the cabin was silent, the only sound being the birds chirping outside. Camilla wondered if Hotch fell asleep, but then he lazily rubbed her back, letting her know he was awake. She just smiled and leaned closer. She felt safe.

They lost track of time, listening to the sounds of other's breathing. Camilla's eyes began to drift shut when her phone began ringing.

The two of them jumped up and looked around, like two teenagers caught making out. Hotch cleared his throat as Camilla pulled her phone out.

"It's Morgan." she said, glancing at Hotch.

"Don't." was all he said.

"Why not?" her phone continued to ring.

"He can't know you found me." Hotch insisted.

Anger bubbled inside of Camilla. All Morgan wanted to know was if she'd found their leader. Their friend. He wanted to make sure she was alright, and hotch didn't want her to tell him.

"Hey Morgan. Yeah. I'm fine...That long? I hadn't realized that much time had passed."

"Did you fin him?" Morgan asked, keeping his voice calm.

Camilla hesitated and eyed Hotch. He was watching her carefully, his face a blank mask. She could easily say no, but it wasn't fair to the team or to the kids.

"Yeah. Yeah I did. He's here." she turned her back to Hotch, not wanting to see his reaction.

"Are you sure?"

"I'M standing right next to him." she said, a smile spreading across her face against her will.

"Oh my God." she could hear the smile on his face. "That's amazing. We're all at Rossi's house, but I went into another room. We couldn't wait alone for news."

"Well go tell them." Camilla suggested.

"Yea. OKay. I will. You're coming home, right? Both of you?"

"That's the plan." she said trying to sound optimistic.

"Alright bye." he said.

"Bye." she said hanging up the phone, not turning around. She just clutched her phone, waiting.

"I told you not toy say anything." His voice was low. Hard.

"I couldn't."

"Couldn't? or wouldn't?"

"Couldn't!" she spun around, her eyes alight with a fierceness only Camilla could pull off. "It wouldn't be fair! They've been blaming themselves for months. Months, Hotch! They were constantly wondering if they could have done anything different to help you. If maybe they pushed you away, or something! Don't you think they deserved to know?"

"I don't want them to get caught up in my problems." Hothc growled, his face a grim mask.

"News flash! Your problems are our problems! They became ours when you ran away. When you left us."

moonstruck//Aaron hotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now