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Morgan knocked on Garcia's office door a few times before he opened it. She was sitting in from of her rows of monitors and hands even heard him come in.

"Got anything good for me?" He whispered in her ear making her jump.

Garcia turned around in her chair and smiled at him, waggling her eyebrows suggestively. "Oh yeah I got something really good for you...but that as for after working hours."

"So you couldn't find anything on the security camera?"

"The power was cut right around 8:15 pm so I'm guessing you're looking for a guy who knows exactly what he's doing."

"Thanks anyway." Morgan said disappointed. Before he left he stopped at the door. "Hey you know Camilla's little sister is here and the kid has got quite the mouth on her."

"Yeah and quite the record for someone who's only 19"

"What?" Morgan asked not really surprised.

"Well I kind of heard a few people discussing the topic around the water cooler and I decided to do a little information hunting." She said as innocently as she could.

Morgan laughed and shook his head.


Rossi, JJ, Hotch, Camilla, and Reid all sat around the conference room pouring over every detail of the case that they had collected. They seemed to be hitting one dead end after another and when Morgan and Prentiss walked in and sat down he didnt help much things.

"I looked at all of Sanderson, Cole, and Lane's friends with young children and little girls and none of them have the initials C&C which means we're back to square one with that." Morgan said frustrated and threw a blue file on top of a large stack.

"Lydia Cole" Camilla said looking through the file.

"The only victim he didn't kill." Rossi said.

"I know tis going to be hard to get anything new from her but what if we brought her in and tried again. Maybe she could give us a little more information that would be helpful." Camilla said looking up from Lydia Cole's file.

"I'll go make a phone call it's our best shot right now." JJ said leaving the room.


Lydia Cole and her mother had been in the small interrogation room for two hours already and the team was getting nothing from the child. Lydia was too tensed up around her mother to tell the agents anything else.

"Excuse me Mrs.Cole can I speak with you out in the hallway for just a moment?" Camilla asked the tall bleached blonde.

Mrs. Cole reluctantly agreed and steeped out with Camilla. "Mrs.Cole would you mind if we spoke with your daughter alone. You can watch through the one way mirror and if at anytime you dont feel comfortable you can come back in the room. It's just that we think that your daughter is too frightened to give anymore information with you in the room."

"But I'm her mother" Mrs.Cole protested.

"Please Mrs.Cole. Any tiny piece of information that Lydia can remember could greatly help us and stop this monster from hurting any other little girls."

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