Chapter Two

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My fucking phone keeps on vibrating on the side table and it is fucking annoying. I threw up the book I'm reading and pick the phone harshly.

Line notifications. These cheap guys created a group chat a few days ago. I don't like this kind of stuff because this isn't wasn't me. I keep scrolling through their messages and replying to each other but didn't bother to join up. But something caught me off guard.

Ae :

This is the first time someone will step on Tin's ego.

Type :

I can't help myself, but that's something funny.

Techno :

But that Can guy is kinda cute. Isn't he?

Pete :

He was the bravest guy I ever met. Dare to step on Tin.

Ae :

Truly. Tin finds his match already.

My eyebrow arks up. While reading those chats. These idiots, tomorrow you'll be dead.

Tin :


Immediately turned off my phone and almost throw it back to the side table. I brush my hair up and lean against my head on the headboard of my bed. That guy can't get out of my mind. Ae was right, it was my first to encounter someone who didn't even afraid of me.

To my cold looks and stares. I received love and hate from anybody. I don't like being involved in any life, but those guys I'm friend with right now is exceptional. They are great tho sometimes they are too nosy. Our group is not those types who only do beat up someone. Those trouble finds us and comes to us. We have no choice but to fight back. Sometimes I'm getting tired of this life, I have money and fame but I'm not that happy. I cannot feel any satisfaction in my life. My parents didn't love me to think they almost abandon me the whole life, money can't replace their being parents let's say it makes me well of but it doesn't matter to me at all. Money can't buy the happiness that I'm looking for all my life.


"Tin wake up" I heard someone waking me up. I open my eyes and saw her.

I irritatedly get up and throw her my glare. How dare she is?

"What are you doing here?" but this leech smiles at me like I was happy to see her. But no she ruin my morning.

"I'm your girlfriend right, that's why I'm here" I fake smile at her. But how she was so sure that she is my girlfriend?

"So?" I rolled my eyes at her. I push her to the side so I can get off my bed. I was stopped because she hugged me to my waist.

All girls were the same. Fucking same.

I grin at that idea. I switched back to her. I lowered my gaze at her. I raised his face by lifting his chin. She's pretty tho. Perfect body too.

I push her to my bed, I smile at her. But not in the lust way. She looks like she was really on to what I did. I went on her top. Caressing her cheek down to her lips. Her eyes were closed already.

I lean to her face and brushed my lips on her. I kissed her and she kissed me back. She torridly kissed me back when I came back to my senses. I don't like her, even her lips.

I pull myself off to kiss. She was startled that I stop and looked plainly at her.

"Get out" I command her.

"What? Where not even getting there" I glare at her. Is she deaf or what?!!

"What did I say? I said get out!!" I hate her slow-witted slut mind of her.

"What did I do?" she was trying to lure me with her seductive eyes but it was not working on me.

"Nothing. You said you're my girlfriend right?"

"Yes Tin"

"Let's break up already. So now Get Out!!!!" I pull her up and drag her out of my room. I locked the door.

I heard her knocks between her screams outside but I don't care at all to her. I walked out to reach the telephone and dial the securities on my house.

"Pick up already the crazy girl here. And one thing please don't let anyone come to my house and even in my room even though it would be someone introduce themselves as my girlfriend" I put down the call.

Minutes later at-last that girl was already gone. I don't even know her name. How the fuck do I involve myself with her?

Oh, shoot, it's because of the Dae girl, I'm not sure of her name either. But whatever, I make that girl's excuse to get Dae out of my life. Sucks her. She thinks that I'm serious about her, in the first place she was oriented already on what we have. And because of her, I met that Can guy.

He's cute tho.

What the fuck did I say?


My head boil to its highest point as I arrived at our place, I saw Ae has a bruise on his face, along with Type and Techno too. Looks like they got into a fight without my notice. I look to Pete who trying to clean Ae's bruise.

"What happens? Can someone explain me?" Pete turn around to me, his face had nothing without his puffy cheek and swollen eyes.

"Ae's got troubled because of me," he said then lowered his face at me.

"It's my fault, don't get mad at Pete" Ae get up and confront me.

"Who did this to you?" I'm getting pissed. First, my friends got troubled, and second, our group will be endangered again to our school if this incident come to them.

"The boys from other schools, they picking up Pete because he was liked by their leader" Type explained to me.

"Trump that asshole" Ae whisper but I still hear it. I brush up my hair to stress, knowing and hearing his name getting to my nerves.

"Didn't he learn his lesson? Now picking Pete for what??" irritatingly trying to loosen up my necktie.

"I'm sorry guys it's all my fault, I didn't know that Trump will go this far to get back at me. If I didn't get a relationship with him at first this won't be getting happen to us" Pete feeling sorry for a thing that he didn't do is making me mad.

Ae come to him and hug him so tight.

"Don't say that, we are here for you and also me I'm going to protect you" Why I am forgetting that these two are boyfriends? It's not that I'm not used to their clinginess and sweetness. But Ae is a showy person, I know how much he loves Pete so much.

"Cut that!" I said in a joking way.

These brats just laugh at me because they know that I'm annoyed already.

But I can't stop thinking that Trump and his group keep on attacking us, what else did he want? Money? Those bullshits all wanted is money, I'm not even surprised that he used Pete before to get more money. But now Pete is here with us, neither my friends too, I won't let that asshole lay his hands on them unless he will across to me.

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