Chapter Twenty Seven

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"I bought a cake, uhmm..." I don't know but I was tense when I got inside his house. Aside from his house was literally a big mine. All her maids' eyes are on me. Look like I am not a trustworthy person. I opened the box of the cake that I bought with the money that I saved. It was really expensive cake but don't care, I want Tin to forgive me so I don't mind about money anymore. I'm gulping my saliva because Tin was only looking at me and waiting for me to speak again. I don't know if he was still mad but his eyes were dull at me.

"Tin, just like I said earlier--" I was cut off when he raised his left hand.

"Go back to your work and leave us alone here" he ordered those maids to leave us. That made me feel relieved a little anyway.

He looked back at me again, his facial expression just changed when he was walking towards me. I can help but feel so nervous his eyes never neglect my sight.

He cupped my both cheeks. The heat just hit my point. I felt weak to his touch.  Plus his face was really close to my face. Damn, I want to hide down to the cover of his big table because I can now feel my cheeks burning hot. His big hand just fit to my small face warming my cheeks even more.

"Can" he called me but his voice just cracked out.

"W-we should eat the cake before it will get spoiled ---" he pecks my lips to make me shut up. My eyes widened but he wasn't saying anything but he smiled at me. Does it mean??

"Can I eat you first?" my eyebrows just arched and my eyes switched to look to the other side and to him. Am I hearing it right?

Before I could say anything he pulled me and dragged me with him. We are now climbing upstairs. When we up there he opened a door that I might think it his room. His room was kind of messy but I couldn't even finish describing his room when he pushed me down to his bed. He climbed to the top of me and locked me in his arms.

I'm not slow or dumb to not understand what is happening now. But I won't lie because I'm ready to do it now with him.

His eyes longed for me. And I can't even blame him because I was such a jerk guy. I deserved to be punished by him, even if it wasn't really a punishment for me because I was going to like it.

"Do you really want to eat me?" but also at the same time. I'm really nervous, this going to be my first, and I'm going to give it up to Tin. You can just take that away from me. I know nothing about dating.

I feel Tin's heavy breath.

We were in that position for almost 2 minutes I guess, when Tin collapsed himself to me. He was really heavy and I almost died because I was running out of breath. But then my heart skipped into a beat when he positioned himself next to me, he kissed my forehead. Lying his head to my chest. His warm breath shivers me.

"I miss you so much Can. And I'm so sorry I can't do this to you for now. I can sense it in your eyes that you weren't that ready. We will go there but for now, this is what I can't resist from you" he now leaning slowly on his face and claiming my lips.

I close my eyes and draw myself even closer to him not going to lose on his kiss. I kissed him back like I wanted it to be. I give it all to him all my love for him and I am going to prove it to him. He bit my lower lip to make entrance his tongue. I can't help but moan while our lips are together. I wouldn't even deny that he is really a good kisser. My hand roams to his hair and pulls that hair to make him even closer to me. His tongue twisted my own tongue and later on, he invaded my whole mouth. We even hugged each other tightly and did not break the kiss which lasted for almost 5 minutes.

After our lips apart. I felt now embarrassed because it was sinking in me that I kissed him that so passionately and I had never done that to my entire life. I'm now avoiding his gaze. But I can feel his stares at me.

"That was a great kiss" Tin stated which made me want to hide under the sheet in embarrassment. But he pulled into a hug and rested his chin on my shoulder. Sniffing my scent. His warm breaths made me tinkle but at the same time, it made me home.

"We should eat the cake before it gets spoiled Tin" I whisper to his ear out of the blue.


After we ate the cake in the dining area, he made me tour his house and now we are in the garden to gather more fresh air. I love the ambiance of their garden, it feels like I'm in the park. I really love the breeze of the air here because the plants and trees are here good and made even this garden greener and prettier.

I didn't notice that Im still holding his hand and we didn't let each other hold for a minutes. I can't help but smile at our hand.

"When will your parents go home" I realized that it was going to be evening because the sky become dark. He looked at me and gave me a peaceful smile.

"I'm living alone here, not actually alone 'cause I have maids," he said. My eyes widen.

"For real? Like this house was really big but you are living alone here?" I just can't stand that fact because doesn't he feel lonely or sad?

"This house was given by my parents if you are worried. I'm really okay Can. All my life I was always alone, so I'm just being used to it" This grow-ass man living alone in his life, now I know how he was really happy to see his friends because he actually alone.

"Tin" I can't say anything but I just draw myself to hug him. I just want him to feel the comfort that I actually wanted him to feel.

"I won't let you feel alone anymore," I said seriously because that's my oath to him. I felt his hand roaming my back. Tap it too.

"Why are you going to live with me?" I look at him.

"If only I can" he smiled which made me weak.

"So are you considering it to live with me?" I rolled my eyes at him. He sounded so childish right now and so excited.

"Bah~ I don't want to leave my sister in our house" he kissed my hair and he chuckled.

"I know I'm just kidding you. You know Can as I said earlier it was okay. Besides, I know that you always visit me here right?" I nodded because that was totally a good idea. I'm looking forward to going every time here.

I sighed and realized again something.

"What if we really went out in public and made an announcement to our friends, what's really between us? Huh? Tin?"


a/n : I'm sorry for a late update and kind of lame hahaha. I just wanna let you know guys that I graduated last day finally!!! haha so yeah I was so busy that I didn't write an update asap, but I promise I am still going to update and I won't let you down, guys!! thank you for waiting guys!!!

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