Chapter Twenty Two

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I was calling Type if he will go to class today. I received a message from Tin that he will not be able to go to class today because of an urgent thing he had to deal with. I wonder what is urgent. I don't want to go to class alone if Type won't go too.

I was on my way to the parking area where I park my car. I locked the gate of my house and was about to fish out my car key.

"Good Morning!" to my startled, I almost throw out the keys from my pocket. I see Kengkla face was happy to mess me up early in the morning. I was shocked and didn't expect him at this hour.

"What are you doing here in this early hour?" I walk closer to him.

"Obviously, to see you" he smirked at me which made me confused.

"See me? We just saw each other last night in your place right?" he shook his head while smiling. What's with this guy?

"I just miss you" he pulled me closer to him and hold my chin while smiling at me. I don't know how to act but it made me so flutter inside. "You don't miss me?"

"Hmm" I slid a smile on my face and push him a little. I look at his motorbike.

"Aren't you attending your class today?" I ask him. He should be in the school not in front of my house.

"I have to see you" I punch his shoulder to my disappointment.

"I can't believe you, highschool kids like you should attend every class and don't skip it so that you can able to pass and also learn a lot. So that you can be able to get into college" Kengkla just smiled at me while trying to advise him as his friend.

"You look so cute when you are nagging me" I rolled my eyes guessing he was ignoring what I just said. I drop myself and am about to turn back to him.

"Just go, back to school and study hard!" I said. But I felt his warm hug on my back. Both hands are on my chest and my head leans to my right shoulder.

"Sssh, just for today let me be with you" this guy is really irresistible.

"Fine, where do you want to go?"

"Can I meet your friends?"

Oh, shoot. I forgot to mention to them that I met Kengkla way back weeks ago, and I didn't have that chance to meet him. I really forgot, I used to be with Kengkla whenever I want someone to talk to. Since we met, we keep meeting each other. It's just not I want to keep him a secret, but I really forgot to mention him to them.


I took him in my car, he left his motorbike at my house. I took him to our hideout, where my gang used to hang out. He look amazed at the place that made me look weird at him. It is only an abandoned building not far away from our campus.

"So this is the place you called hideout? So cool" he was still amazed at it, I just ignore it. I came in as usual, just like some ordinary day. I saw the usual couple who were about to make out on a small piece of our couch.

"Guys good morning" I plainly greet them. They don't mind me then, they continue making out like they used to.

"Oh?" I look back to Kengkla who is behind me already. He witnessed this sugar couple.

"Don't mind them, they usually do that here"  I'm about to grab his arm to drag him away from this sight.

"Techno????!!" Ae just called me. They break their making out and got shocked. Actually, both of them look shocked. That I don't know why they reacted that at me.

"You didn't tell us that you were bringing some guests here" Pete trying to calm his voice.

"You must be Techno's friend? Hi! I'm Kengkla, his boyfriend" I smile at them while Kengkla was talking but my smile fade away when I realized what he said in the last part.

Ae and Pete were a little bit shocked again but after that, they threw me a teasing smile.

"Aaaiii!! No. Hahahaaha" I pulled Kengkla and ruffled his hair. "Guys he was just only joking. Hahahaha this kid is really funny" I look at him, he looks so down but he smiles quickly at me.

"Yeah, I'm just joking" phew. Thank goodness he made it back.

This two just nod their head. I think they get it as a joke only.

To be honest. I felt panicked I don't even know why??

"Where is Tin??" I heard a voice like came from a rush running. I look at him. Type was catching his breath. Did something happen?

"We don't know" I replied.

"I can't contact him either. His father was in the hospital. It wasn't severe but he want to see Tin" what??

I saw Pete raising his hand.

"I think I know where is Tin to be found" he look to Ae that seriously worried about Tin's father. Me too, he was kind too even tho Tin hasn't that much to his father.

"Okay, let's go there. By the way, Techno just stays here with your... friend. Will talk later" they made a rush, Ae and Pete go after Type and they disappeared.

I look to Kengkla who is now I know who confuse about what is happening.

"Who is Tin?" he asked me.

"Our friend too, by the way, the guy who just came in was Type and the guys who make out that you saw earlier were Ae and Pete. I'm so sorry I didn't introduce you formally to them" I sit down on the couch, and he did it too. He was seated beside me.

"Don't practice that joke again Kengkla" he didn't know how much that made me panic. I don't know what to do either.

"You think I'm not serious about that?"

"Huh?" what does it mean?

"Aish. You are more slow-witted than what I'm expecting" why do I feel he was mad at me?

"Why don't you straight me to the point?" I'm tired of guessing what he was up to.

"I want to be your boyfriend"


a/n : break from tincan moments. again guys thank you for reading my not so good story!! huhu thanks 2wish fam. 💙💚

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