Chapter Twenty Nine

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They all left me here in our place. But I also decided to be alone here. I have a lot of things in my mind right now.

I did not even know that as time passed, the sky became dark, and lately realized it was going to be evening soon. I snap my forehead, I line message Can earlier that I will pick him up after class. I looked at my phone that I off. I was on my phone and my screen flooded with Can messages.

I'm sure he is mad right now at me. I took another cigarette and lit it.  Damn this life.

I was puffin' some smoke when someone poked me. When I jerked my eyes almost fell on the ground. When I saw his mad face in front of me.

"Can?" I took my cigarettes away from my mouth and was about to hide from my back. But his eyes follow my hand and he sways his hand in front of his nose. Look he doesn't want the smell of it.

"You are here? Smoking to death?" he seriously mad. His nostrils get big while nagging me. I know it's funny and at the same time, he looks so cute doing that. But it's not the right time for that.

"Can.. it just.. ahh.." now Im fucking stuttering. He looked at me with his not-interested look.

"Do you know how long I've waited for you at the gate? It went dark and after all, you didn't answer my calls nor text me back?" he crossed his arms and heard his deep breath between his glare at me.

"I'm sorry Can, I didn't notice the time and..." I don't want him to worry, I won't let him know that for his safety and his peaceful mind. I'll choose to keep it to myself.

"And??" he frowned at me and looked to all sides. "Hey?? Don't tell me you were with someone. Girl?? Boy?? Tell me are you cheating on me?" his eyes widen as he blow those question at me. I was about to hold my laugh but I ended up to burst it out.

"What's funny?" he sounded offended by my laugh. I just can't help it because he looks so cute even more.

"What are you saying?" I'm now holding my stomach and trying to stop my laugh. He is still frowning at me and I guess he was cursing me to his mind. "As you can see? I'm all alone here. Besides if you are seeing something that I didn't see??" I tease him.

I saw him gulping and tensing.

"Don't scare me!" his eyes were still checking every side. Plus the ambiance of this place is scary when the twilight comes. I grab his hand and pull him closer to me. At first, he didn't like it because he was trying to push me away but then later he let me touch him.

"Try to cheat me or I'll kill you?" wait I heard it before??

"I heard that asshole! Fine. I let this pass. But when we get to run to each other again. I'm going to kill you"

Suddenly the first time we encountered each other just flashback to my mind. I can remember that phrase he said to me.

I sneak a laugh again.

"What again??" he irritatedly asked me.

I didn't ask him but I held his hand again firmly and dragged him out to that place. I dragged him to the parking lot where my car where parked.

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