Chapter Twenty Five

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"Dad I'm not going to make it" I was in his company for a whole day trying to gain something and learn something about being CEO but I can't process it to myself. Feels like I'm not into this. I'm not absorbing anything I've seen here.

Dad calls me to his office to report to him what I have learned from staying here for one day. And that's the first phrase I've said to him.

"What do you mean?" Dad stands up from his shriveled chair.

"I'm sorry Dad, but I did everything but it's not really for me for now. To be honest, I don't know what to do in my life, I'm still looking for it Dad" I know he was highly disappointed in me but I can't blame him either he has to right to feel that way about me.

"But Tin we've talked about this right? You just have to accept it with all your heart, this is your future son" I can't believe he was simply saying those to me.

"How can you even say it was my future, even though we all know from the very start you are not being a father to me? Where are you? You and Mom? Where are you on those times I need parents to lean on whenever I'm facing a problem? You guys were here in your company, busy making it big, but you left me alone until now. But now you were saying this is my future yet you didn't even know my likes and dislikes" for all these years I've hidden this heavy thought about them I finally released it now. He went silent and hoped he is digesting what I'd said.

"I'm so sorry Tin for all of those things we didn't do as your parents but please give this shot too. I am letting you ready for your future, whether you like it or not this is your future Tin" my eyes are burning, and want to shed a tear, I thought Dad was going to be more apologetic but still insisted this to me even more.

"And you didn't want to ask me If I like it or not? I'm sorry Dad but I'm not interested to be here or being CEO"

"And you want to be one of those thugs who love beat up someone? Am I right son?" I saw Dad clenching his teeth as he look seriously at me.

"You think I didn't know that you were the leader of the thug group in the school you are attending? Is that a life you want to do? To be with those worthless people?" I throw him a glaring stare. How could he call my friends worthless?

"I don't what you are calling that, but it's true I want to be with those guys you called worthlessly, they may be worthless in your eyes but for me, they are more than family for me. Better than you who are my parents"


"I'm so sorry Dad but I quit" I quickly stormed off to his office and to that building too.

I decided to pick Can up from school and maybe get to hang out with him too. I want him by my side now. I think I should unwind from the earlier incidents. When we got together inside the car, I made him mad because I call him unintentionally a wife. He look so mad whenever I called him that. It is that makes him uncomfortable, I don't want to do it.

But later on, Can give up, he was really cute and turned me on when he called me hubby.

"I want to watch a movie too," he said while scooping some ice cream into his bowl. We decide to eat at an ice cream parlor here. I insisted to eat ice cream tho. I can look at him eating for the whole day. He is really cute that I want to take him home. But I noticed the stain of the ice cream on the lower of his lip. He didn't seem to notice it because he still eating his ice cream like a child. My eyes glue at him. I'm analyzing how can I remove it to the lower of his lip. Then he looks at me smiling then he looks at the surrounding.

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