Cousin Alert !

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Red's POV

It felt good, standing in an unknown town, in a region I've never been to before, it really felt good.

I took a deep breath in as Professor Elm looked at me. He looked nervous as his last starter Pokemon had been stolen.

'Red, I think you must go now to your Aunt's place', said Professor Elm, she lives across the street.

'But Professor, I could help you with that Pokemon you lost', I said, confident.

'You don't know anything about this region, we could never track that guy who stole Totodile', said Professor Elm, crying. 'This region's police is no good'.

'Is there anything I could do ?', I asked, wanting to help.

'No. I think you must go now to your Aunt's house, I'll send your cousin there whenever she comes here', said Professor Elm.

'Okay', I said, walking outside.

I opened the door and a gust of air attacked my face. The wind blew harsh. I was surprised by such a difference in the weather in a few minutes.

I walked further on the street searching for my aunt's house, I read all the names written outside the houses in order to find the house I was searching for.

Finally, I read my uncle's, my aunt's and the name Lyra written outside a two storyed house. I rang the doorbell.

The door opened.

'Oh, Red. Come in, dear', said Aunt, opening the door.

'Hello, aunt....', I said, realising that I didn't know how to pronounce her name.

I walked in after her. The house was nice from inside. Well, it was cleaner than mine and had a maroon-ish colored theme.

The living room was really big, double the size of my house's.

'So ? You must be very excited about this region, right ?', asked Aunt.

'Uh, yeah. I am', I said, I really didn't know what to say.

'How's mom ?', asked Aunt.

'She's like always, reading books', I said.

'Ha-ha', she said. 'Did'nt you bring your Pikachu ?'.

'No, Pikachu was really happy with Meowth, so I didn't want him to come but he'll be here whenever he wants to', I said.

'Great', said Aunt. 'I have this, for you'.

She picked up a device that looked like a mobile phone.

It was the size of a mobile phone but double in thickness, it had a screen on one side, and a camera on the other. Then there was a button on it's side.

'What is this ?', I asked, happy that I was getting a mobile phone.

'This is a Pokegear, only available in Johto, Sinnoh and Galar Regions', said Aunt.

'Really ? So what do we exactly do with it ?', I asked, stammering.

'Phone calls, obviously and it has camera too', said Aunt. 'Calling is unlimited for Pokemon Trainers. Turn it on and enter your Trainer I.D'.

'Whoa, okay', I said, pressing a button on the side which seemed to be a power button. 'And how do I charge it ?'.

'You could find a charger in PokeCentres', said Aunt, smiling.

The Pokegear turned on and displayed a logo of the company - Gear®.

Then, a screen was displayed where it asked for my name and Trainer I.D.

I filled the required details. And the home screen was displayed now.

I turned it off. 'Thank you', I said.

'Don't thank me, thank your mom, she is the one who told me to give one to you', said Aunt, laughing.

'Still, thanks', I said, laughing.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Aunt stood up and walked to the door and opened it.

A girl walked in, she was obviously Lyra, my cousin. I hadn't seen her in years, that's why I didn't remember her face.

'Lyra, your cousin is here', said Aunt to Lyra, gesturing her hand towards me.

'Um, hey', I said, trying to not be stammer.

'Uh, ahem. Hi Red', said Lyra, stammering.

Lyra had a Pokemon on her shoulder, taking a nap. The Pokemon was round and blue in color. It had small ears and a big belly. It looked like a small blue Snorlax.

'It's time for you both to go', said Aunt. 'Meet Professor Elm in his lab and get going'.

'Uh, sure', said Lyra, walking outside. I walked after her.

'Bye', I said to my Aunt, waving.

'Bye, take care', said Aunt, waving.

Lyra and I walked outside, the wind continued to blow hard. She didn't say anything and we walked back to Professor Elm's Lab.

'Ah, Red and Lyra. I almost forgot, here are your five Pokeballs', said Professor Elm.

'No, I already have ten', I said.

'I have five, Professor Oak gave them to me', said Lyra.

'Okay', said Professor Elm.

'Professor Elm, can I place a phone call', I asked, excited.

'Sure', said Professor Elm, gesturing his hand towards a PC.

'Thanks, I want to place a call to Sinnoh Region's Pokemon Professor' I said.

'Professor Rowan ?', asked Professor Elm, curious. 'Okay'.

He dialed a phone number on the PC and a video call came up. It had Rowan written on the top and a ring was heard.

'Why do you even want to call Professor Rowan ?', asked Lyra.

Suddenly, a man was seen on the screen, h looked fifty years old an wore a lab coat, just like other Professors.

'Red', said the man. 'I am Professor Rowan. I'm glad I'm talking to you'.

'Hello Professor. Is a Trainer named Leaf over there ?', I asked.

'Yes, there is. Leaf, there's someone who wants to talk to you', said Professor Rowan, looking at his side as my friend came in view.

We stared at each other's faces. My eyes were filled with tears, so was Leaf's.

'Best of luck', I said.

'I'll definitely meet you after these seven months', said Leaf, crying, but still smiling.

'I'll be looking forward to it', I said. 'Just these seven months. Give me your Pokegear number'.

'Okay', said Leaf. Leaf narrated me her Pokegear number as I inserted it in the gear.

'See you, bye', I said. 'And I'll be calling you after each gym battle, and best of luck'.

'Beat of luck, to you too', said Leaf.

I hung up the call and looked at Professor Elm and Lyra. Professor Elm had tears in his eyes too.

'I know, staying away from girlfriend is hard. Oh, Professor Juniper', said Professor Elm, looking at the ceiling.

Lyra laughed at Professor Elm, so did I.

'Okay, Lyra. We have a region to cover', I said, gesturing my hand towards Lyra for a shake hand.

'Yes we do', said Lyra.

We shook hands.

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