Ethan Returns

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Red's POV

"Are you sure we need to hurry?" Lyra looked at me as we walked briskly throught the streets of Olivine City.

"Yes, we have to. You have the medicine right?"

"It's in the bag." Lyra said, stopping. "I think we're rushing everything. Can't we just stop and take our time? I'm tired."

"Lyra! We have 25 days until the Pokemon League starts and we're still left with 3 gyms." I irated. "I mean, we don't even know how much time we're gonna take on the other ones. And I'm sure the last three are not going to be like Chuck. Focus!"

"Let's just give this medicine to Jasmine's Ampharos." Said Lyra. "We'll see what we need to do afterwards."

Lyra opened the door of the lighthouse and we rushed to the lift, hitting the button for the top floor. "You can't win without being faster than others."

"Huh." Lyra looked at the floor number. "Slow and steady, wins the race."

"That's something losers say." I said, walking out of the lift, finding no one there. "She must be at the gym."

We argued a lot on the way to the gym. I did not understand why Lyra didn't care about just getting over with these things. Procrastination is not a good habit.

"Red, here's the medicine. I'm going to the Pokecenter." Said Lyra, handing me the medicine and walking away. I didn't say anything to her.

I kept looking at the Olivine Gym from the outside, the lights were on, so Jasmine was there inside.

"C'mon Red." I walked inside.

Ethan's POV

Alarms rang loudly

"Intruder alert!" Shouted a Team Rocket Grunt. "Oh no! I dropped the keys for the main office."

I looked around and found a keychain with a bunch of keys right in front of me.

"Alright!" I grinned. I've been noticing a suspicious activity in the Mahogany Town for a past few days. After defeating the Mahogany gym leader, I've been observing this cookie shop in the north-east part of the town. The shop was detached from the rest of the town and I've seen some Team Rocket Grunts going in and out on a regular basis.

Finally, yesterday I looked through the window and saw that there's a secret entrance in the shop to a Team Rocket Base where they are working on something.

I haven't yet discovered what they're upto but I know that it's upto no good.

Red's POV


Thank you so much, Red." Said Jasmine. "Now, Go Forretress."

"Go Espeon." I said. "Use, Psychic."

"Forretress, use Rapid Spin." Espeon was critically hit. "It's not gonna be that easy."

"Espeon, use Quick attack." I shouted. "Get 'em. You can do it."

Espeon wasn't faster than Eevee or my Jolteon, I really missed the old timeline. Time travel is a mess, shouldn't have done it.

Jasmine's Forretress dodged the attack and Espeon bumped into the wall, fainting.

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