The Dark Cave

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Red's POV

How awkward do you think it was, finding a legendary Pokemon in the wild and catching it, only to know it was some shape-shifting Pokemon.


I guess you guys have a lot of theoretical experience and knowledge about what it is to be a trainer. But if something like that ever happens to you, don't forget that it happened to a Pokemon League Champion like me too.

It wouldn't change anytime that happened, but surely will make you feel better, I guarantee.

As we walked through the cold Route 30, I had feeling, a very funny one. but I was excited to, I wanted to catch the Mew and this time I had my master ball in my hand.

I ran forward, following Ditto, who slimed through the dirt. Lyra was right beside me. But Bugsy, he stopped right outside the cave.

I suddenly stopped to ask Bugsy why he wasn't going in. Our eyes met and he gestured his hands towards the cave, asking me to continue.

I nodded and walked inside. Lyra and Ditto stood a few meters from me.

'This way', said Lyra, pointing towards Ditto, who started rushing as soon as I got there.

I tightened my fist to get a firm grip over the master ball and followed them.

Ditto was way faster than I imagined, his slimy body gave him an advantage over friction. The Earth seemed frictionless while Ditto slimed.

The cave was dark, Ditto was now barely visible to me. I followed Lyra, who was still in my line of sight.

Water leaking and dripping sounds could be heard, our footsteps were echoing and Ditto's slimy movement was loud, making a 'slaz' sound.

Suddenly, Lyra stopped and I crashed into her. She looked back at me, rubbing her face.

'Watch it', she said, quickly. She walked a little further and a white light was seen.

She peeked towards from where the light was coming. 'Clowns ?', she whispered and advanced towards the lights.

I quickly rushed after her.

Inside was an open area, not a very big one. It was kind of dark and in the centre was a pile of junk. The place gave me creeps and smelled as bad as a sewer.

'Hurry up', said a familiar female voice.

'Hey, I don't have super speed', said a familiar male voice.

Lyra couldn't stop herself, she stood in front of them. 'Who are you two ?', she asked.

'Um, I'm Pennywise, the dancing.....', said the male clown in a very creepy high pitched voice.

'Zip it', said the female clown with an old American accent.

'Do you want a balloon ?', asked the male voice, then chuckled.

'They are creepy', I said, I started having goosebumps in every part of my body.

'I am not afraid of you two. What are you ? Why are you here ?', asked Lyra.

'Oh, the storm blew us away, blew the whole circus away. Can you smell the circus ? Peanuts, popsicles, cotton candy, and....?', said the male clown.

'Pitt Cola ? I love them', said Lyra. 'Yummy, peach flavoured'.

'No, you had to say Popcorn', said the male clown, disappointed.

'Fail', said the female clown, laughing at the male clown.

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