Bugsy's Secret

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Lyra's POV

I was having flashbacks of my first gym battle. I was happy that I won on my first try. But not so happy for Red.

Go Chikorita - I shouted, throwing the Pokeball.

Pidgey, your cue - said Falkner.

Chikorita, Razor Leaf - I said, Chikorita rotated her head and gave a jerk to her neck, which made the leaves on her head shoot towards the Pidgey.

Pidgey, use Gust.

Chikorita, tackle.

Pidgey fainted.

Come back Pidgey - said Falkner, he kept the ball aside and gently picked up another Pokeball. He rubbed the Pokeball with love - your turn bud.

Go Pidgeotto. He sent a bigger form of Pidgey, thrice the size.

Chikorita, use Razor Leaf.

Pidgeotto, Steel Wing.

Chikorita was pushed to the wall and was smashed inside. Chikorita fainted.

Come back, Chikorita. Go Sentret.

Pidgeotto, use Sand Attack.

Sentret, use Rollout.

Pidgeotto, use Gust.

Sentret fainted. I was perspiring, I knew I'd lose. I had a feeling to quit Pokemon Training.

You can't Lyra - said a voice in my head. You didn't even want to become a trainer in the first place.

I looked at my shoulder, Marill was still sleeping quietly, unnoticed.

Red, can I use Eevee ? - I asked, because it was the only option. The last Pokemon I had, belonged to Red, or it will be, or it was, ugh, Time Travel.

Go on - Red replied.

Go Eevee. I pointed the Pokedex towards Eevee to see what attacks he knew.

Eevee, use Dig. Eevee dug a hole and went inside in a matter of a jiffy.

Pidgeotto flew up high to avoid the attack. There was an unexpected silence.

Suddenly, Eevee got out of the hole and jumped, Eevee was now too high and matched Pidgeotto's height.

Use Bite. Eevee used Bite and Pidgeotto fell down, fainted.

I opened my eyes, trying to focus on today, I couldn't express my happiness of winning such a match. Still a part of me wanted to quit.

Suddenly, Marill woke up and slid off of my shoulder.

Eevee appeared out of nowhere and saved Marill from falling by diving beneath her and giving her a soft plane of landing.

Eevee's POV

Marill was sitting on top of me. The idea was to save Marill, and not to squeeze myself under Marill's.....I shouldn't complete the statement.

It was annoying that Marill was still sitting on my face, without realizing that I wasn't a cushion. Sometimes, people think I am cushion when they touch me. So, it's not their problem.

Red picked up Marill and I finally had some air to breathe.

'Thanks, ahem, Red'. I coughed.

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