Nice to meet you again

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(I woke up early morning to get things ready.My friend's older brother,Kang Jihwan called me.)

Jihwan:"Hey,you better not be late,I asked them for you to fill in my brother since he still isn't feeling better.I told them you and my brother are the same black belt in Martial Arts and Taekwondo.I don't know who youre protecting but you better do a great job."

You:"I get it.."

(I drove to the live performance area and arrived.I went to the entrance of the live performance.A security guard stopped me from getting in.)

Male Security:"Sorry the show haven't even started."

You:"What?No I think you're mistaking me as someone else."

(I started to walk in,pass through the entrance.)

Male Security:"I told you the show haven't started."

(He began putting his hands on me.He place his left hand on my right shoulder.I began to grab his hand .I twist his hand and place it behind his back.)

Male Security:"You'll get in trouble."

(I pushed him and stood still.He turned around and was about to punch me.Someone rush to the scene in a hurry.)


(Kwang Min stopped halfway.A lady who look like in her early 40's came to us.)

Unknown Female:"Go to your post and do not move.You don't have any business with this person."

Kwangmin:"But Miss.Lee,this person was trying to trespass."

Miss,Lee:"Are you drunk in the daylight?This person is filling for Kang Mino."

Kwangmin:"I never heard anything from him."

Miss.Lee:"Let's go (Y/N)..This way please.."

(I followed her to the building.Then,she turned around.)

Miss.Lee:"Hey..You need to be careful when it comes to other security guards.Don't act cocky because you have the same belt degree as Mino.You hear me?"

(I nodded to her statement.)

Miss.Lee:"Your position is to guard the artists outside of the dress room while they 're inside and the backstage where they get all the mic tech and get ready to perform.But they need to practice before the show starts.You got it?"

You:"I understand."

(I went in the hallway and follow the direction that Miss.Lee gave me.)

You:"Okay,so I go around this corner right here.I should make a left.Then,it should be the first door."

(I went straight in front of the door and knocked.)

??:"You can come in."

(I opened the dress room and I bowed down.)

You""Hello I am (Y/N),its nice to meet you."

??:"Oh,it's you!Why are you here?"

(That voice..It sounds so familiar.I lift my head up.A familiar face was right in front of me.)



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I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now