Do you feel the same way?

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(After hugging,Chung Ha and I were standing still for a bit.I started wiping my tears.I grabbed her hands and made her let me go.I turned around and looked at her.I know she's still upset about everything.She glaze into my eyes and I did the same as well.I smiled at her even though she's still in pain or should I call,having a heartbreak.)

You:"Chung Ha,thank you for comforting me..I appreciated you so much.I'll never forget everything you have done for me from the past years."

(I began walking towards the door.)

Chung Ha:"I'll wait."

(I stopped and looked at her.)

Chung Ha:"I said I'll wait."

(I turned my head back and walked out of her room.After I closed the door,I started feel sorry for Chung Ha.After all she told me that she liked me for many years since our freshmen year.I began feeling disappointed in myself because I felt like I was taking advantage of her kindness.)

You:"Yah...Y/n,you are a horrible person."

(I walked away from her door and headed back to my room.While,I was walking back to my room,I spotted Seulgi.)

Your Mind:"It has been a long time since I saw her."


(She spotted me and tried walking away.)


(I quickly grabbed her wrist.She looked mad about something.)

Seulgi:"What do you want?"

(She said it with a cold attitude.)

You:"I just want to talk to you since we haven't talked for a long time.Why are you acting like this to me?"

Seulgi:"What do you mean by that?"

You:"You keep becoming a different person.First,you become nice then you become cold.Let me ask you something?What is your problem?"

(After I asked her the question,she gave me the pissed off look.)

Seulgi:"What?What is your problem??Why would you asked me that?"

You:"I don't like us being like this."

Seulgi:"Who's fault is that?"

(I became furious when she asked the question.)

You:"What do you mean who's fault?"

Seulgi:"Yeah!Who's fault is it?"

You:"I didn't do anything wrong.I tried to start a conversation with you.You here,giving me attitude for no reason."

Seulgi:"I walked away because I don't want to talk to you.So you should've let me be by myself."

You:"You know what?If we're going to keep arguing over this,end of discussion."



(We both turned away and separated our ways.After I got to my room,I lay down on my bed.)

Your Mind:"Man,what's up with Seulgi all of sudden?She was never like that to me before.I mean I want to talk to her that's all I wanted.She just gave me attitude like that.You know what?Whatever man..

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now