Happy Ever After

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[1 year later]

[1month ago]

(I went to Jae Kyung's house for something.Jae Kyung and the crew finally finished on a project the they were helping me on.All of us stretched towards the ceiling.)

You:"Finally!It's finished!"

Jae Kyung:"I feel like I spent my whole entire life on one stuff."

(Everyone including me looked at it.)

You:"Do you think she'll like it?"

Jae Kyung:"Why wouldn't she?It's art.."

Moon Bin:"I don't see a problem with it."

You:"I hope so..I mean we put a lot of effort on this."

??:"You guys want something to drink?"

(We looked up and see Jiwon.But Jiwon looked slightly different.)

You:"Jiwon-ah..Are you okay?You looked slightly different."

(She looked at herself.Then,she smiled at us.)

Jiwon:"That's because..I'm pregnant."

Jae Kyung& I:"EH?!"

Jae Kyung:"Hold on!Hold on!You're pregnant?"

Jiwon:"Yes boss.I'm pregnant.."

Jae Kyung:"For how long?"

Jiwon:"Like 4 months almost 5 months."

Jae Kyung:"Already?Who's the father?"

(I looked at Jae Kyung like he is the most stupidest guy on earth.)

Moon Bin:"Me."

(Jae Kyung looked at Moon Bin.)

Jae Kyung:"Aigooo...This guy.."

(Jae Kyung shook his head like he is Jiwon's father or something.)

Jiwon:"Let me get you guys drinks."

(She left to the kitchen.Jae Kyung hit Moon Bin's arm As he speak.)

Jae Kyung:"How can you do that to our maknae of the crew?"

Moon Bin:"What did I do?I wanted to have a family.Plus Jiwon wanted to have a family too."

Jae Kyung:"Aigooo..Jiwon-ah.."

/Time skips/

(Play while reading.)

[1 month later]

[Sunny Morning]

(I slowly woke up and look at my side.I realized Seulgi wasn't by my side.I scratched my head like a confusing person.I went to the bath room and washed up.After finishing washing up,I rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth.I came out from my room and spotted Seulgi cooking something in the kitchen.It smell sort of spicy for some reason.The house smell so spicy to the point I sneezed.Seulgi jumped a little and turned around.She spotted me,standing in the hallway.She feel a little upset for some reason.She gave me a pouting face like I did something wrong.)

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