Let it go

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Author's Note:Please do not be upset nor angry towards this chapter.The reason is why I'm saying this is because I'm going to use Reveluvs(Red Velvet fans) in this chapter for few lines.I'm SO sorry,please bear with me.I am also Reveluv and I hate doing this T^T but I'm using my imagination.


[Next morning]

(I woke up from my sleep.I turned my head left and spotted Seulgi who was still asleep.I smiled at her and wish I can stay longer but I can't.While watching her,I see nothing but glowing aura because the bright light shines through her curtain.I slowly tried to get out of her bed but then..)

Seulgi:"Where are you going?"

(I turned my head and spotted Seulgi who was awake.)

You:"I thought you were sleeping."

Seulgi:"No,I was faking my sleep."

(I smiled at her.)

You:"What the heck?"

(I went back and laid down with her.)

You:"Can you explain yourself miss?"


You:"Why am I here?"

Seulgi:"Ahh..The members didn't want you to be cold in the living room."

You:"You could've sent me home."

Seulgi:"You were too heavy to carry by myself."

You:"Are you calling me fat?Or..Is it because you wanted me to stay with you for the night?"

(I wanted to tease her for a bit.It seems like my question threw her off.)


You:"Then what?"

Seulgi:"I was full from what we went and ate.I couldn't move much."


(She nodded as she spoke.)



(I chuckled.)

Seulgi:"Is that what you thought of me?That type of girl?"

You:"No,you were too adorable.I wanted to tease you."


(I nodded.)

Seulgi:"You're such a bad person."

(She hit my arm.She turned the other way.)

Your Mind:"Aw..She must be mad."

(I turned her over and hugged her.)

You:"I'm sorry..I'll try to stop teasing you.Okay?"

(She snuggled and wrapped her arms around me.)

Seulgi:"No,it's okay."

(She smiled.We begin having our sweet moments until..)

??:"Unnie..Irene-unnie said get up.."

(Someone opened her door.)

??:"I said Irene-unnie said to wake upppp.."

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now