Marry me

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[2 Months Later]

(I walked around in the jewelry store where I bought the promise ring.)

You:"Man..It's hard..Looking for rings."

??:"Oh.I see that you're back again."

(I looked up to see who's talking to me.It was the same employee who sold the promise ring to me.)


Employee:"Hello.Is there anything you want or something that you're looking for?"

You:"I'm not sure."

(I spoke while   looked at all the rings in the displays.)

Employee:"Do you mind telling me,what kind of ring you wanted?"


(I started thinking really hard about what kind of message I want the ring to show.I began having flashbacks from the day I came back from Seulgi's house in Ansan.)


[Flashback:2 months ago]

(I opened my door after Seulgi went inside her home.The sound of the door opened went off.)

You:"I'm home."

(I took off my shoe.)


(I looked up and I couldn't believe who it was.)

You:"Yah?..Chung Ha?Why are you here?"

Chung Ha:"Jae Kyung invited me over."

You:"What??Jae Kyung did?"

(I started to hear Jae Kyung's voice.)

Jae Kyung:"Oh..Did the guy pick up our Jajangmyeon(black bean noodle) bowls?"

(He walked over and turn his head towards the door.)

Jae Kyung:"Whaa!AISH!!"

(He jumped as soon he saw me.Then,he placed his hands on his chest.)

Jae Kyung:"Damn!You scared the hell out of me.What's wrong with you?"

You:"I should be the one to ask you that."

Jae Kyung:"What?"

You:"What's wrong with you?"

Jae Kyung:"Me?"

You:"How can you invite Chung Ha over when it's night time?What if there's rumors or articles about you two?Are you going to be responsible for it?"

Chung Ha:"It's not Jae Kyung's fault.I was the one who wanted to swing by.Don't blame him.."

(I took a deep breath.)

Jae Kyung:"Why are you getting mad?"

You:"You know what?I'm sorry I shouldn't say those things to you.I just..I have a lot of things on my mind."

Chung Ha:"What happen?Jae Kyung told me you went to meet Seulgi sunbaenim's parents?"

You:"Well thing is.."

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now