Time to Move on

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(I arrived at the SM Entertainment.I looked at the SM Entertainment and first thing what was on my mind was Seulgi.)

Your Mind:"Seulgi must be somewhere here."

(I tried walking fast enough with my crutches.The happiness inside of me was like fireworks sparking.I looked at the"Dream comes true"dance room,there was no one was there.I went to the cafe,I spotted only other artists.)

??:"Oh you must be Seulgi's boyfriend/girlfriend?"

(I turned around and spotted a female idol in front of me.)

??:"Oh,you must not know who I am?"

You:"I know who you are.You're SNSD Taeyeon."

Taeyeon:"Yeahh,who are you looking for?"

You:"Do you know where Seulgi is?"

Taeyeon:"Isn't she in the big dance room?"

Your Mind:"That's it!"

You:"Thank you."

(I started walking right away with my crutches,towards the dance practice.)

Taeyeon:"Do you need help?"

You:"No,I don't.But thank you though."

(I rushed myself to the other dance room.I spotted Red Velvet but not Seulgi.They were surprised that I came in.)


You:"Where's Seulgi?"

Joy:"Ohh?Where was the place she said she's heading to?"

(They were having hard time thinking where she's going be at.)

Yeri:"Is it the rooftop?"

You:"Thank you."

(I closed the door and quick headed towards elevator.I press the "Up" button and couldn't wait anymore.)

Your Mind:"Come on!"

(The elevator door opened and I quickly went in.I pressed the button to the rooftop.The elevator began going up.)

Your Mind:"I hope she's still there."

(But the elevator stopped.Other people started getting on the elevator.)

Your Mind:"Damn it.."

SM staff:"Yahh ,move over!"

(The elevator began getting crowded.I have no time to waste so I tried so hard to get out.I got out and took the stair case to the rooftop.I walked up the stairs fast as I can.Then,I took a 1 minute break,catching my breath.I continue walking on the stair case but I catch my breath.Again,I started walking fast towards the rooftop.Later on,I slowly arrived at the rooftop.)

Your Mind:"I should've took the elevator..Man that was a lot of stair steps.It did not turn out like I thought it would be like other Korean dramas.Damn..Why they make look so easy?"

(I was catching my breath while walking towards the entrance to the rooftop.I went and look around for a bit.I didn't spotted Seulgi  anywhere until she came out from the corner.)

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now