Know your place

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[The next morning]

(Red Velvet and Mr.Kim was in a meeting with CEO Lee Soo Min,talking about something.Couple minutes later,they came out from the meeting room.CEO begin walking back to his office,Red Velvet and,Mr.Kim bowed down also.)

You:"So what's the schedule for today?"

Mr.Kim:"There's a company who wants to meet Red Velvet as collaboration partnership."


Mr.Kim:"It's sort of a food and beverage marketing company.It's pretty famous in South Korea."


Mr.Kim:"Yeah.The company is a worldwide business marketing."

Joy:"He said that one of the higher up staffs is a huge fan of us.They said he's quite young.I wonder how young?"

Yeri:"Yeah,I heard that too.But anyway,he only likes one of us.

You:"What do you mean?"

Wendy:"He is a huge fan of Seulgi."

(I nodded.)

Irene:"It's quite amazing that one of the higher up staffs is a fan of Seulgi."

(Seulgi smiled.)

/Time skips/

(We were in the van,heading over to the Food Marketing Business.)

Yeri:"I wondered how he looks like?"

Joy:"He should be quite handsome."

Irene:"Yeri-ya,why do you want to know?You have Erik in your heart already."

(Irene laughed.)

 Yeri:"Unnie!Stop bringing him up!I won't see him again because he is in Europe.Ohhhh Erik...I miss you so much.."

(Yeri thought about how she met Erik for the first time.)

(Yeri became upset even though Irene was joking around

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(Yeri became upset even though Irene was joking around.Yeri starts to whine about Erik.)

Yeri:"Ohhh Erik..."

(4 Red Velvet members began laughing at her.)

/Time skips/

(We arrived at the company.All the higher up position staff were outside,standing in a straight line. Mr.Kim parked the van at the front entrance.I got out of my seat and went outside,in order to open the door for Red Velvet.They walked to the entrance.The higher position staff shook their hands with Red Velvet.)

Team Leader:"Our vice president hasn't came yet.But we will accompany you girls by showing you around."

(Red Velvet agreed.The Team leader began to guide them to the company.Mr.Kim and I walked along with Red Velvet.Then,the rest of the staff followed behind Red Velvet. They showed them the employees who is working hard for the company.A lot of people went crazy once they saw Red Velvet entering every single building floors.Red Velvet smiled at every single workers.)

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now