Welcome Back

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(A month later,Chung Ha and I were walking out of the building.While we were walking out,she was crying.)

You:"Yah..Don't cry."

Chung Ha:"I can't help it..You're going back to SM."

You:"Well..It was only a temporary leave.Not a permanent leave."

Chung Ha:"I should've said 3 months.."

(I laughed at her.But I'm glad that Chung Ha asked me to be her security guard for 2 months until her CEO can find a new security guard..I felt guilty because I know Chung Ha still likes me but I don't feel the same way towards her.)

You:"You better behave with your new security."

Chung Ha:"Yah..What do you take me as for?"

You:"I don't know..The same-o Chung Ha who is not mature yet.."

Chung Ha:"Yah.."

(I laughed and patted her head.)

You:"I'm just kidding."

(I see Mr.Kim drove the van and park to the curb,waiting for me.)

You:"I have to go Chung Ha..We'll see each other during performances like music bank or any performance shows."

Chung Ha:"We better."

(I started to chuckled.)

You:"Don't get sick.Always take care of yourself.Don't push yourself too hard.Take it easy okay?"

(Chung Ha was about to cry again but she tried to hold her tears in by trying to act strong.She looked up to the sky instead of looking at me.)

Chung Ha:"Okay..Okay.I understand,now go."

You:"I'm going then.Take care Chung Ha.."

(I got in the van and put on my seat belt.)

You:"Mr.Kim wait.."

(I rolled down the window.)

You:"Chung Ha!"

Chung Ha:"What?Why aren't you leaving?"

(She wiped her tears and looked at me.I showed her my fist as I spoke.)


(She smiled and nodded her head.Then,she finally waved at me with a smile.I waved back at her while I was rolling up my window.We started driving back to the SM Entertainment.)

/Time skips/

(We arrived at SM Entertainment.We began heading to CEO's office.Soon when we arrived to the CEO's office,I felt nervous for some reason. Mr.Kim knocked on his door.)

CEO:"Come in."

(We both entered in the office.CEO saw me and stood up from his chair.)

CEO:"Ahh!Y/n,we are so glad to have you back."

You:"Thank you."

Mr.Kim:"So sir,what is the plan for y/n?"

CEO:"I was thinking..Instead of having one security why not two?.."


CEO:"Yes two.Red Velvet is already close with Hyun Woo while y/n was on temporary leave."


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