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(After spending times at Seoul Land,we agreed that we should head home.We arrived home and Mr.Kim waved at us.Then,he turned on the car and left.We started heading home.I looked at Seulgi while she was walking with Wendy.What Wendy told me earlier had been bothering me.)


[Flashbacks at Seoul Land]

Wendy:"Are you stupid?.."


(Wendy gave me a sharp angry glare.Then,she rushed to the bathroom to looked for Seulgi.)

[End of Flashbacks]


(I snatched Wendy by the wrist and Wendy was surprised by it.)

Wendy:"Hey,where are you going?Where are you taking me?"

(I ignored her while she was talking to me.I dragged her to the rooftop and let her wrist go.)

Wendy:"Hey,what do you think you're doing?"

You:"We need to talk."

Wendy:"I think you took the wrong person to talk to."

You:"No,I didn't."

(Wendy started to get irritated.)


(I was startled after Wendy yelled.I lost strength in my whole entire body.)


Wendy:"Aisshh,why did you take me instead of Seulgi?"

You:"I need to talk to you first."

Wendy:"About what?"

You:"What you said earlier?"

Wendy:"What about it?"

You:"Why did you think I would confessed to her and why did you called me stupid?"

Wendy:"We had a miscommunication,that's all."

You:"Just tell me."

Wendy:"I can't tell you."


Wendy:"If you want to know,then you go ask Seulgi."

(I stepped forward from Wendy.)

You:"Hey,you know I can't g-."

(All of a sudden,I heard footsteps.I turned around and see Wendy ran to the staircase.)


(I chased after her on the stairs.She arrived to her door and see me coming after her.She typed in her pin quickly while I was still running.The door opened and she went in.I was so close to her but then,she closed the door and locked it.I couldn't believe she closed the door right in front of me.I placed my hand on my hair and scratched my hair like a crazy person.I was furious that I let Wendy escaped.)


(One week later,CEO wanted us to go to the food company.Sung Cheol wanted to see Red Velvet in the meeting room.I was ordered to be outside of the meeting room.)

Sung Cheol:"Hi girls!"

Red Velvet:"Hello,Mr.Kim ."

Sung Cheol:"We have sold many of the products all over the world.It was a huge success hit!"

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now