Precious Times

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Author's Note:There will be some pictures and videos from the event of InteRView Vol.5. They do not belong to me.Sorry if their bad quality because the event was very recent.I want to let you know ,I couldn't find one member's video clip.I will added things into their event and speech.


/Time skips/

(Play while reading.)

(While we were walking round,I felt like someone was looking at me.I turned my head and caught Seulgi looking at me.All of a sudden,I had butterflies.I avoid making eye contact after I caught her looking at me.)


Seulgi:"Shall we take a picture?"


Seulgi:"I want to take it as our accomplishment."


(She took out her phone and used the front camera.We did a peace sign as our pose.)



Seulgi:"One more."

You:"One more?"

Seulgi:"Mmm.We'll smile in this one."

(I looked at Seulgi and smiled.)

Seulgi:"What are you doing?Look at the camera."

(I looked at the camera.)


(Before she counted to 3,I turned my head and kissed her cheek.She jumped a little because she didn't expect that to happen.She looked at me and looked around us.)


(She hit my arm.)

You:"Ahh..Why you don't like it?"

Seulgi:"No..I love it."

(We smiled and continue walking.)

/Time skips/

(Seulgi and I head back to her place.We entered in the house and it seems like her mom finished cooking the food.She was carrying the dishes to the table.She stopped while holding the dish and looked at us.)

Seulgi's Mom:"Oh?You two are back already?"

Seulgi:"Yes..Eomma,let me help."

Seulgi's Mom:"No no no..Sit down."

(Her mom set the dish down on the table and went to the counter and get some more dish.Seulgi and I went to her mom and helped her carry the dishes to the table.)

Seulgi's Mom:"You two don't have to help me."

Seulgi:"It's okay mom."

You:"Your daughter's right."

Seulgi's Mom:"Aigooo..You two are making me feel bad because I didn't want to trouble you two.Seulgi's hardly home and you..You're the first lover she brought over to the house."

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now