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(The members came back home after sending y/n off.They started heading in their room one by one.Wendy slowly went to Seulgi's door and knocked on it softly.)


(There was no response.Wendy knew Seulgi was still broken from breaking up with y/n.)

Wendy:"Y/n wanted me to tell you this..Don't overwork,stay healthy,stay hydrated,don't starve yourself and..Continue being happy."

(Again,there was no response.Wendy was sad because she can't stand Seulgi being like this.)

Wendy:"Seulgi..Good night.."

(Wendy slowly walked away and entered her room.)

/Time skips/

[6 months later]

(I woke up from bed and felt nothing but emptiness.I didn't want to do anything nor get up from bed.I looked at the ceiling and had flashback from 6 months ago.)


[Flashback from 6 months ago]


You:"What?What do you want?"

Seulgi:"Let's break up.."


Seulgi:"Let's breakup,I don't think things will work out between us."


[Flashback Ended]


(I placed my arm over my eyes because I don't know what to do anymore.It's still hard for me,even though it has been 6 months already since we broke up.6 months without contacting Seulgi or Red Velvet.)

??:"Yah y/n..Get up."


??:"Yah,at least you're living for free and eating for free.You're also getting paid too so stop whining."

You:"Okayy..I'm getting up."

??:"Hurry..We have to open up the cafe."

You:"Jae Kyung..Why so early?"

Jae Kyung:"You should at least help out."

(I got out from my bed and washed up.)

/Time Skips/


(The door opened.)


(I bowed down as I spoke.)

Customer#135:"Hello,I would like a ice americano in a tall size."

You:"Yes sure.Your total is 4,200 won."

(She gave me her card.)

You:"Thank you.May I have your name?"

Customer#135:"Kim Bo Min."

(I bowed down.)

You:"Alright,please wait for them to call your name."

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now