It's My Fault

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Irene:"Oh,isn't Seulgi supposed to be back already?"

Wendy:"That's right,she usually comes back in 10 minutes.She's taking quite long today?For couple pictures?"

(All of sudden,this feeling in my chest started bugging me really bad.I think something happen to Seulgi while I was out,getting them foods and drinks.When I was about to leave the room,Irene sort of felt that something must've happen to Seulgi when I was about to leave the room.)

Irene:"Let me go with you,it's part of my duty as a Leader."

You:"No,you stay here with your members."

Yeri:"What's going to happen to Seulgi-unnie?"

Joy:"Seulgi-unnie,please be safe."

Wendy:"Come on you two,don't worry okay?(Y/N) is going to protect all of us."

(I nodded and left.I ran out the room and searched everywhere for Seulgi.I checked the front stage,backstage,the tech-room,underground the stage and the other side of the rooms.But I didn't go back and check the exit/entrance near Red Velvet dress room.I rushed back so I wouldn't be too late to get Seulgi back.I got there just in time and blocked the exit/entrance.A mysterious guy who was wearing backstage staff clothes begin coming towards me.But I find it really strange because I met all the staffs.But,I never seen a guy like him.He had Seulgi in his left arm,leaning towards his left shoulder.I tried to stay calm and smiled at him.)

You:"I'm sorry for the trouble she made.Is she okay?She must be tired from the performance.I should take her to her members.They must be worried about her."

( I tried keeping a conversation still and come up with a plan.But then..)

Mysterious Guy:"No,it's fine.I'll take her to her members.It's part of my job as a backstage staff.Her members are outside in the van waiting for her."

(I started going along  with the conversation.)

You:"I am their security guard,it's part of my job to escort them back to safety."

Mysterious Guy:"Are you stupid?Can't you see my outfit?It's my job."

(The mysterious guy began walking towards the exit/entrance.He walked past by me.I knew I can't play along anymore..So I quickly grabbed Seulgi's hand and pull her towards me.As Seulgi lean her head on my shoulder,she looked like she is asleep.She was completely knocked out cold.He must put something in her drink,I thought to myself.I was frustrated because he did something horrible to Seulgi.I was really upset because I failed my job,by not protecting her properly.I looked at the guy and knew I can't forgive him.)

Mysterious Guy:"Hey..give her back!"

(The guy looked at me and began to charge at me with his fist.I hold Seulgi tightly and did a roundhouse kick right in the center of his chest.He fell backwards and rolled back a couple feet away.He got back on his two feet and was getting mad.He began breathing heavily and looked irritated.I didn't know what to do with Seulgi in my arms.I can't fight properly with her in my arms either.But then,I heard Irene's voice from the dress room.)


(She open the door.I pushed Seulgi towards her arms.She had no clue what was going on.)

Irene:"What's happening?"

(I spotted Wendy quickly and She was also right by the door.)

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now