Time To Meet

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[3 months later]

(Red Velvet started practicing for events to perform in the dance room.I sat down on the couch with Mr.Kim .The choreographer create this dance for the remix they had to perform.Red Velvet is following along with the choreographer's steps.)


(She spoke while watching them,following her steps.)


(She turned around and watched them perform.)


(Red Velvet danced while the teacher was counting the steps.)

Teacher:"Come on girls.Let's practice a few round more and that's it for today."

Red Velvet:"Yes."

(They resume practicing the choreography over and over.)

/Time skips/

(The choreographer gave Red Velvet applause.)

Teacher:"Great job girls!I'll see you next time."

(They both bowed down.The choreographer left the room.Red Velvet suddenly sat down on the floor at once.)

Joy:"It's so hot."

(She's started turning on the A/C to cooler temperature.)

Yeri:"Ahh..I'm so hungry."

Wendy:"You're always hungry."

(I got up from the couch and walk towards them.)

You:"Are you girls thirsty?What kind of drink you want?It's on me,so say anything."

Yeri:"Oh!Iced Choco!

Wendy:"Grapefruit Green Tea Ade Bubble Tea with 50% sugar!"

Joy:"Green Tea with no sugar so 0%."

Irene:"I'll just get water."

You:"Are you sure?"


(I turned my head and spotted Seulgi practicing the choreography.)

You:"Seulgi?What about you?"

(Seulgi seems like she didn't hear me,talking to her.She was too focus with choreography like she is in her own little "world".I looked at her members and told them to not say anything.I walked behind her and I leaned over so I back hugged her.But right when I was about to do it,she turned around in a speed of light.The back of her right arm smacked my face really hard.I fell backwards.)


(Everyone grasped because what just happened.Seulgi was surprised and rushed by my side.)

Seulgi:"Yah..Are you okay?Why didn't you say anything?.."


Mr.Kim:"Seulgi,what do you want?"

Seulgi:"Ice Strawberry Latte."

(He left the dance room.I felt somewhere on my face started to sting.The area where my right eyebrows started to sting.Her members were around me and looked at me.)

Joy:"Seulgi-unnie look at y/n's face.It looks red like really really red."

(Seulgi looked at my eyebrows area and grasped.)

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now