I Always

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[9 days later]

[Sunny Morning]

(Play while reading)

(My alarm went off and I woke up with excitement.I headed towards the bathroom and grabbed my set of outfit for today.I brushed my teeth with energy while showering also dancing to Red Velvet's songs.After I was done,I checked my face in the mirror.I put on my outfit and walked out from my bathroom.I checked myself out in the mirror to see how I look in the mirror.I came out from my room and head straight towards the door.I put my shoes on and grabbed my keys then left my apartment.I waited for Seulgi by standing around in front of her door.I started to feel hot and my heart was beating too fast.I'm getting too excited for today because today is the day,Seulgi and I are going to look at wedding gowns/tuxedos.I took a deep breath and tried to not be nervous.I started to talk to myself.)

You:"Come on y/n...Calm down..Why am I being like this?It's like other date we have been going...Oh what the heck am I saying?It's obviously not..This isn't just a date..I'm going to see her,trying out in a wedding dress.."

(My heart kept on beating fast.)

Your Mind:"Is this normal?...Slow down heart..I have to stay cool and be cool..I can't be that nervous around her..I can't be this lame in front of her.."


(I turned around quickly because a voice suddenly appeared out of no where.I spotted Seulgi wearing loose dark yellow t-shirt with light blue denim pants.)

Seulgi:"Have you been waiting for so long?"

You:"N-no..I was waiting like 10 minutes."

Seulgi:"Sorry,I didn't know what to wear."

You:"You look pretty no matter what..I told you so many times."

(I smiled at her.She held my hand and smiled back.)

Seulgi:"Let's go."

You:"Mmm.Let's go."

(While we were driving,Seulgi began to talk.)

Seulgi:"Can't you believe it y/n?We're engaged..."

You:"Yeah..I'm proud of that."

Seulgi:"Proud of what?"

You:"You're mine."

Seulgi:"Ohh what the heck hahaha..Did you learn that from Wendy?"

You:"No,that's how I feel."

(She hit my arm gently.)

Seulgi:"Ahh..We finished with the invitations cards.Let's give them out after this okay?"

You:"Of course."

/Time skips/

(We slowly arrived at the Bridal store.I got out of my car and opened the door for Seulgi.)

You:"Are you ready to go inside?"

Seulgi:"Yes..Are you?"

You:"Yes..I think."

Seulgi:"We're finding the right dress for the wedding."

You:"Yeah..To be honest,I can't wait to see you in it."

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now