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(Finally,we arrived at the hospital.The doctors checked on her conditions.They kept me out of the area by closing the curtain.I walked back and forth,hearing flashlights clicking on and off.I couldn't take this feeling anymore.I couldn't stop feeling anxious about Seulgi.)

(I sat in the lobby and waited for the results

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(I sat in the lobby and waited for the results.10 minutes later,a female nurse came out seem like she's looking for someone,then she came towards me.)

Nurse:"Are you Kang Seulgi's guardian?"

You:"No but,I'm the one who came with her."

Nurse:"We put her in a room already.Please follow me to her room and you will fill out the papers."

You:"Of course.Thank you very much."

Nurse:"This way.."

(I got up on my feet and begin following her.)

(She escorted  me to Seulgi's room

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(She escorted me to Seulgi's room.I saw the male doctor writing something on his clipboard.)

You:"Doctor,is there anything wrong with her?"

Doctor:"Mmm,she needs a lot of rest so she can't perform any activities.I don't know how to explain this but the prescription pill has a strong effect and must had a strong milligram in it.What kind of prescription she have taken?"

You:"She didn't take any,someone drugged her."

Doctor:"Good thing,it's not any dangerous pill.It's a pill for people who has hard time sleeping like sleeping disorder."

You:"How long you think it will wear off?"

Doctor:"Not that long.Probably like soon enough..But it was a lot of milligram and strong pill.We have to check if there was any effect in her.So she need a check up before she can be discharge.You understand right?"

You:"Yes,thank you doctor."

(I bow down as my appreciation of kindness.After the doctor and nurse left,I grab a chair and sat by her side.Looking at her resting on the bed bothers me so much.I feel so much frustration in my body.I stand up and open the curtains to look at the city night view.)

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now