All the stories came true

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(After Taipei,we headed back to Korea.I was forced to stay home because my sickness.Irene had left to her birthday event.I felt bad because she change the date to the next day which is today.I don't know what to do at home.All of a sudden,I heard someone typing my pin.Some one opened my door and began to speak.)

??:"Are you okay y/n?"

(I see Yeri rushing towards me.)

You:"What are you doing here?"

Yeri:"I had to check on you.It's boring by staying home with the same people."

You:"Joy and Wendy's home?"


You:"Oh okay."

(I hear someone typing my pin to open my door.)

Your Mind:"Who is it this time?"

??:"Hurry Wendy-unnie!It's about to start."


(The door opened and they quickly enter in my house.)

Joy:"Yeri-ya,turn on the TV!"


Joy:"Just turn it on."

(Yeri quickly turned on the TV.)

Joy:"Change the channel to?..What was it Wendy?"

Wendy:"Channel Number ***."

(Yeri began changing the channel.)

You:"What's going on?"

Joy:"Seulgi-unnie is on!"

You:"On what?Wait Seulgi's not home?"

Wendy:"She had to go to her converse event."

Yeri:"It's right here!"

(I was caught by Seulgi's beauty as always.In my eyes,everything was going slow motion on the tv screen.)

??:"Y/n,are you okay?"

??:"Unnie,don't bother him/her.His/her soul had left his/her body already."


(I slowly see someone's hand waving in my view.I began coming to my sense.I looked at them and see Joy stopped waving.She went back to sit down.)


Joy:"He/She have been revived from the underworld."

(Wendy and Yeri started laughing.)

You:"What's so funny?"

Wendy:"Your soul had left your body behind."


Yeri:"You should've see yourself in our shoes."

(We laughed together.)

Joy:"Have you see Seulgi's clips for Converse?"


Yeri:"Are you serious?"

Your Mind:"Did I do something wrong?"

I fell in love with an Idol |RED VELVET KANG SEULGI X  Female/Male(N) READER|Where stories live. Discover now