Chapter 2

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"Please help me," I cried wishing for my.mother to rescue me from this monster.
"Yamoto! Are you through?" Mama asked him casually as if she  knew what was happening.
"I am through my lady. Now is your turn. Come and spread your legs for me. You know I have the best dick."
"I don't want her filthy blood getting into contact with my skin. Go clean yourself up then come back here aroused like never tomorrow. Meanwhile let me deal with this piece of shit" she told him and uncle made a dash to his home to clean up.

This was something that left me baffled. Is this my real mama or it it somebody else? Could it be that she's a shape shifter? I kept wondering, but not for long.
"Get your filthy ass up and finish up with the house chores before I beat you senseless you whore. You go spreading your legs and when you see me you start crying those crocodile tears, nyelp nyee!" She said imitating me when I told her to help me.

I left there limping and went to continue with the house chores. There was nothing I could do anyway. I finished up and prepared lunch for everyone. When it came to eating I was told that that day I was to have nothing including supper as I didn't deserve it.

That evening let's just say luck was on my side, or so I thought, because papa came home. Mama prepared the meal, his favourite phutu (crumbly maize porridge, usually eaten cold with amasi, but also hot with sugar beans, stew, cabbage etc), sweet pumpkin and boiled madumbes ( a type of tuber or yam which has a dark skin and is peeled and tastes like a mix between a potato and sweet potato: the fleshy part is grey-white).

In all this I knew she was trying to please papa so she can get a bang. I could hear her moan in the dead of the night as I was a light sleeper. I sat there anticipating when food was being served. Unlike other times I was left out and unfortunately papa didn't ask why. I wondered what my sins were that would make parents hate their own daughter like this.

In the years that followed the incident never happened again. That was what I hoped for anyway.  Yamoto our uncle  was caught raping someone's goat and was banished from the village. Mama was sad and rained all the anger on me on the day he was banished. She called me a whore telling me that I should have been the one that was banished.

At thirteen I did my eighth grade. I did so well so that I was recognized in the region. I was all smiles knowing that my parents would be proud of me. Well, this was not to be. When I got home I found father and mother in deep talks with the village elders. I greeted them and they all sneered at me calling m names. I was told to prepare as I had to go to a far away land.

I begged, and apologized for the sins that I didn't know, but they could not hear any of it, until one of the elders who was quiet throughout stood and everyone kept mum.
"I am the only one with the decision here. So please keep your thoughts to yourselves. This girl will continue with education. I want to give her benefit of doubt and give her the chance to go to school. You know very well nowadays the other villages afedoing better because of the girls they sent to school. Let her be."

With that he got up and left. I later got to learn that he was the Umholi yabadala (the leader of elders). He had granted me salvation, or so I thought. I went back to school to do my 'O' levels with still the normal hardships. Being beaten regullary, sometimes no school fees where I would run to the elder that showed me mercy and most times no food and hard labour. I persevered as I had nowhere to go.

It got to a point where my father became abusive, so abusive that he would make me his wife. Cook, clean and fuck. I hated this man with a renowned passion.  He would give me bitter herbs for me not to get pregnant. I never did, luckily for me. Mama came to know about this and trust me the beating I got was the worst of them all. I had to dare her touch me again and I would tell on her about her wayward ways. With that she left me be, but not for long.

Are they even worth the names papa and mama?

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