Chapter 18

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Ed's POV
She has been taking care of me when I was down. I gave a directive that nobody should know about my illness and no one was allowed to see me other than her and the bitch.

'Where has she been?' I kept asking myself. I will make everything right and truly marry this girl, I vowed to myself. She would sleep in my room in an uncomfortable seat that was provided for her by the nurses. Everyone just loved her. She was very cool and sweet to everything.

Her routine consisted of waking me up before the day nurse came, bathe me, well not everywhere which I wish she would, feed me with some light breakfast, then massage me. Lunch would come and she would feed me, then give me stories, her childhood stories which were pretty interesting. I actually wondered whether there were people who would live in such horrible conditions.

Evenings would come and at 1600hrs she would bathe me again then feed me with some tea and snacks then later in the night take some light dinner then read me some story and I'd doze off. She was so organized that I wondered how I would ever repay her. My allergy had been triggered by someone. That was something I was very sure of. I told the doctor to tell her that I had a flu and she believed.

I had decided that I would be spending my nights in her bedroom or she would move to my bedroom. I knew this would not sit well with Irene and I knew that would bring out the real bitch in her. It didn't matter but I had to stay close to her.

When we got home I decided to do some work from my office. I Knew Em was exhausted and she needed rest. In the evening I decided to have a shower and going through her closet for an extra towel I saw that she had next to no clothes and this broke my heart. I made a mental note to make her closet look like a queens. I also had to bring some of my important clothes. I noticed that she wasn't asleep and I decided to tease her. I needed to know how she saw me.

I dropped the towel at the laundry basket after showering and walked to the other closet to get my clothes. After I was done I asked her the one question that I knew she would dread to hear.

I knew Irene was in the verge of killing and I was so waiting for her. I was tired of her nagging and abuses that I snapped at her leaving her on the table and taking Em's hand to a nearby restaurant. Originally I thought of ordering takeouts but on second thought I decided to head out.

After she gave me a hearing because of not resting which I was supposed to do anyway she agreed. We walked hand in hand to the the restaurant and on entering all heads turned to us.

Just as we sat the song livin on love by Allan Jackson started playing. Playfully she held my hand and told me to dance along if I really know how to. Laughing I held her hand and we danced along the lyrics.

Two young people, without a thing
Say some vows and spread their wings
And settle with just what they need
Living on love
She don't care 'bout what's in style
She just likes the way he smile
It takes more than marvel and time
Living on love
Living on love, buying on time
Without somebody nothing ain't worth a dime
It's like that old fashioned storybook rhyme
Living on love
It sounds simple that's what you're thinking
Love can walk through fire without blinking
It doesn't take much, when you get enough
Living on love
Two old people, without a thing
Children gone but still they sing
Side by side on that front porch swing
Living on love
He can't see anymore
She can barely sweep the floor
Hand in hand they walk through that door
Just living on love.....

She was just fun to be with. Everyone clapped including the waiters and I could see her being shy. How she came out of her shell, or so I thought I couldn't comprehend. I wished she just would be this happy always. I actually needed to do away with Irene as soon as possible but there was a reason I was still holing on.

After taking the main course we asked for desert and before we could have our first bite Stacy one of my many one night stands came in and kissed me soundly in front of Em. She angrily got up without touching her desert and stormed out. I tried going after her only to be caught by Stacy and asking me to have a little time with her which I turned down impolitely and went after her.

"Hahaha! Why is the bitch crying? Did he dump you? At last!!" I heard Irene tormenting her.
"No, some bitch just like you came onto me with her filthy mouth. Good night." I told her smirking. I knew she wished she would rub that smirk off my face.

"Em, you know I can't sleep on the couch. I'm still unwell, please open up." I soothed
"Go to your room. I'm just a maid after all. I don't want problems." She answered me. I could feel that she was silently sobbing.
"My meds are all there. You need to open up." I knew that would work. And in 3,2,1 she opened!

I stepped in and hugged her like she would disappear the next minute. I felt warm, sweet. I really don't know what this girl was doing to me.

"Just so you know,  I will be coming for her!" I heard Stacy shout from  our intercom.
"I would love to see her try." I muttered to myself still holding a shivering Em. I decided I would protect her with all I had.

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