Chapter 11

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For the next few weeks I avoided Edward like plague. I would wake up, make coffee for him take it to his room and leave it on the bedside table. He would wake up, freshen up and leave the house without throwing me a glance. I would always go to his room to change his beddings and pick the dirty laundry, clean them and take them to their respective places, but he would never touch my coffee. This made me sad but I had no intention of asking.

Irene on the other hand became the bossy bitch but this time she became too much. Sometimes she would even beat me up but there was nothing I could do.

On one Thursday morning they had a big argument. Irene wanted to travel to Chicago for a photo shoot and had really wanted to travel with Edward but he would hear none of it.

"I have work to do and investors to meet. I can't go, I'm sorry maybe next time." He told her as he walked to his bedroom.
"You always have work to do. When do you give me my time?" She whined
"You have all the time to screw around. I won't be there to monitor you."
"Can't you just forget the incident and move on?"
"Like hell I will! You should be happy you're travelling alone."
"Bastard!" She muttered under her breath and walked out calling for me to carry the heavy suitcase to her car.

I went back to the house to find Edward nowhere to be seen. He had gone back to his favorite place, or so I thought.

I went to clean the forbidden area, that's the office, his home office and before I could enter I heard him on the phone.
"No, just don't let her out of your sight."
"Yes I still have the video."
"Half before you finish the job and the other half after."
"Idiot! Do your work and stop pestering me with all these questions."

And with that he cut the call. I stealthily walked to the sitting room and started dusting and doing what brought me here in the first place. He walked out late in the night and directly walked to his bedroom. He hadn't eaten anything and I felt worried.

'He's not a kid' my mind told me
'What is he's going through something?' My subconscious urgued but who was I to meddle with people's affairs?

I finished my meal and headed to my bedroom. After freshening up I lay down and it didn't take long before sleep engulfed me.

"Please stop..... you're hurting me." I whimpered trying to beg him
"Stay still. You will enjoy with time!" He mimicked my voice.
He pushed one of his fingers roughly inside my virgin folds once more and started moving it roughly inside of me. He put in another and I screamed my lungs out earning me a hot slap to silence me which worked just as he anticipated.
Coming on top of me he pushed his manhood inside me and I felt excruciating pain, pain I had never experienced, pain that I wished would go away and I let out another scream.

I woke up screaming and hyperventilating. I had the nightmare again and cried my heart out. It was unfortunate that I had no shoulder to cry on and nobody to share my woes with. I just had to live with the consequences of the many sceraios of rape. Before I could move my alarm blared and I switched it off jumping off the bed.

I headed to the kitchen for the usual cup of coffee that I knew very well he wouldn't touch. I made it just the way he wanted it and took to his bedroom. I found him still sleeping and I wondered whether he was okey. He was so handsome and I was tempted to touch his chiseled shin.
"How do you manage to look this handsome even in your sleep?" I asked myself a little bit too loud. I ran my hand on his hair and was tempted to kiss his pouting lips. He felt a little too warm and I panicked a little, just a little.

He mumbled something in his sleep that I couldn't decipher. I was afraid and I sprung up like someone who had touched hot coal. But still didn't open his eyes.
"Open for me please" he mumbled again and this time I heard him. Seems like I wasn't the only one dealing with some demon.

His brow became sweaty and this time I panicked. I touched his forehead and true to my fears he was heating up. I panicked and run to his bathroom to look for a towel.
"Silly me!"
I ran out of the bathroom and to his closet then back to his bathroom and pulled the drawers two at a time looking for a towel. I couldn't find them then I looked up. They were just within my reach! I face palmed my face and ran out with one and a little basin with some warm water.

I dipped the towel and wrung off excess water dabbing his face gently. He opened his eyes slightly then went back to sleep.
"Em" I heard him call me and looking closely I realized he was still sleeping. A call came through his phone and it read Dr. Mark. I was grateful because I really didn't know what to do in cases like this.

I explained to him how Edward was and his temperature and he told me to look for paracetamol. That would take down his fever before he came over to assess him.

I continued dabbing his face until I heard the door bell. I rushed downstairs and opened the door to reveal a very handsome doctor, well, not as handsome as Edward though.

We exchanged pleasantries and went ahead to his bedroom. He came out after about half an hour with me being restless.

"He's awake. Take care of him." He told me as he walked to the door.
"He's a hard nut to crack but I'll try." I muttered.
"I heard that!" He answered and chuckled walking outside the door.

"Is there anything I should get you?" I asked him once I entered his room.
"Yes. Come in."
I walked to his bed afraid that he would shout at me.
"Lie down with me" he whispered his eyed dropping once more

Share some love Em!! Let it loose girl!😂

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