Chapter 23

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Maya's POV

I had always wondered where the witch had gone  to and had secretly wished that she was rotting somewhere. I hated her with all my heart. I had tried severally to eliminate her but it's like she's made of steel.

Now I can't stand the fact that she's living large while I am just selling my body to the highest bidder. I can't let that happen and the fact that she's missing makes it even better.
I must make a move sooner rather than later. I must win this man, I told myself over and over again. This was my mission that would change my life and bring goodies to my parents.

That night I didn't get any sleep. I tried moving around and later decided to light a blunt. I walked to the balcony and lit one puffing to the skies and deep in thoughts. So deep that I didn't realize someone come in and sit beside me.

"You look familiar, where have I seen you?" He asked huskily making me jump.
"Just around. Who are you and what are you doing inside my room?"
"Don't fucking raise your voice on me. You don't know me and for your information, I am Ed's best friend so cut the crap and tell me who you are." He said to me taking my breath away. Was it because he looked so handsome or was it because I was afraid of him? Well that I can't tell.
"If you must know everything, I came here to get a fuck and from the look of things, I am not getting any. Now if you'd be so modest kindly let me take my leave to that bed over there and lie down." I muttered to him illustrating to him using my hand.
"Well, just take care. People here usually disappear." He said walking out.

The following morning, I walked to the bathroom and did my routine stealing a few things and some jewerly I had found there. The room seemed to be owned by a very rich bitch. Just how many women does he harbour here? I asked myself walking out through the hallway and down the stairs for breakfast. Looking around I found the kitchen and walked inside and found Edward shirtless making pancakes.

'I just wish I'd run my hands over the abs! Damn!' My subconscious whispered to me. I walked to him and attempted to touch him making him turn around and hold my hand tightly making me wince.
"I don't allow people to touch me just like that. Keep the hands to yourself, you hear?"
"Y..yes Ed," I stuttered looking down in fear.
"And its Sir for you." He muttered

"Sir, um, I would like to take my...."
Before I could finish some girl came over shoving me aside and placed a very wet kiss on Edward. "Bitch!" I said to myself.
"Don't you fucking lay those filthy hands in me ever again!" Edward roared making me shiver with fear. I barely understood whether he was bipolar or something.
"But I missed you...," she told him gesturing with her hands lifting her shoulders and looking dejected.
"You don't get to miss a person you barely speak to. And for your information there's someone behind you that you should have said hi to." He said turning around and continuing with his cooking which he was almost done.

She turned around and saw me. She jumped hitting a cup that had coffee for Edward making it fall on the ground and shattering into a million pieces.
I looked at her and wondered what her deal was.
"What's wrong Irene? Why are you so jumpy?" He asked looking closely at her.
"I...I....I want to use the restroom please." She said walking towards the stairs but before getting there, Edward called out to her.
"And where do you think you're going?"
"To my room," this was more of a question than an answer and hearing her room I panicked. So I had stolen from Edwards fiancee? I asked myself preparing mentally to take my leave before she got to her room.

"Wait! Why does it seem like you're running away?" I asked her hoping she walked the other side.
"I'm not running bitch!"
"You did not just call me a bitch!" I snapped at her
"Can you both just shut it! I need peace in my house." Edward snapped at us.
"You, why do I have a feeling that there's something you're hiding? You don't just behave like that once you see someone resembling the other." He addressed Irene.
"She looks so much like Em."
"And that concerns you how?"
" ....I haven't seen her in a while," she stuttered and immediately I knew that she had a hand in the disappearance of my sister. I needed to befriend her to remove my sister from the equation. Then afterwards I would eliminate her so I'd be the last one standing and would win over Edward. After all, aren't we all here for money?

"Sorry, we weren't introduced earlier. My name is Maya, I am Em's sister and new in this town. Care to show me around?"
"I'm a busy woman....."
Before she could finish I walked to her and whispered in her ear, "I know what you did to my sister. Just play along and I'll let that pass."
"Alright, no problem. Let me freshen up and come down in a few." She said tensing beside me. I knew I had touched a raw nerve.

Teren teren.....

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