Chapter 20

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Sorry its been a while but I am back. Enjoy...

Em's POV

"Em, how about I take you out on a date tonight?" He asked me one morning after a few months of sleeping in my bedroom on my couch that we had moved inside my bedroom.
"A date? But we aren't together. What will Irene think of me? Speaking of which, what happened to her? I've not seen much of her lately?"
"Do I look like I care? She can go to hell for all I care."
"Okey enough of her. But no, I don't think this is the right thing to do. Sorry but I'm turning you down." I told him and he sadly looked at me.

He walked to where I was. He was all dressed up for work while I sat on my bed/couch laying my hands under my head. He sat down and held my chin on his hands.
"Do you even realize that I have developed deep feelings for you? Do you even have an idea of how many times I wake up at night just to look at you?"

That caught me off guard. Him? Me? How? When? I don't think so. This is so not Edward. Maybe they switched places with a double ganger.

"Em....Em! He called out making me jump.
" sorry, I was..sorry. I didn't know. Can I ..?
"Hey take it easy. I shouldn't have said that now. It was meant for later at our date. Now, get up you lazy girl and bring me my coffee before I drag you down the hall to the damn kitchen!" He told me holding me by my shoulders and pulling me towards him.

I laughed and answered, "use your eyes idiot. Your coffee rests on that table!"
He let out a chuckle and stood up looking adorably at me.
"I'll pick you up at six, please don't keep me waiting.
" what should I wear?"
"I'll have something delivered to you."
"Not another closetful please" I whined.

"You're adorable when you pout!" He said pinching my cheek. "Now give your future guy a hug before I drag you to that bes and make love to you!" He hoarsely said making me blush. I walked to him and gave him a tight hug. He walked to the door without looking back and off he went.

I went to the kitchen to start with the cleaning and before long Irene bugged in grabbing me by my elbow and giving me a sounding slap.

"Not my man bitch! Not my man!" She said as she shoved me forward towards the main door. Outside the door stood a man who cockily looked at me smirking.
"Do as you wish with her then get rid of her. I don't need any more of her crap now or ever." She commanded the man.
"Bitch! This one is fine! I already love her." He smiled as I stepped on his shoe as hard as I could making him laugh. "And feisty too! She'll be good in my bed!"
"Eric, just do as I say and do it fast. We don't have much time." She told him closing the door behind her.

Eric pushed me towards his car. A sleek mustang 2015 that had gained windows and on the inside was pitch black. This freaked me out, it seemed like a cut from a horror movie.

He placed his hand on my thigh making me wince. All this while I was in shock from what was transpiring and all I was praying to God is for him not to let this man hurt me.

"Dare move your leg away from me again and see what happens! Now open them for me. I need to know what kind of pussy I'm up against." He commanded and I didn't move an inch making him backslap me. This made me hit the door with so much force that I blacked out.

The next thing I saw was I being laid down in a  bed and someone hovering in me. I suddenly became aware of someone trying to rape me and I let out a scream followed by me raising my knee and hitting him where the sun doesn't shine. He fell down scrounging on the floor holding his balls and I made to the nearest door for an escape. He regained his wits quite quickly and lounged at me with a knife that I hadn't seen.

He stabbed me on my ribs twice and ran off leaving me there to die. I heard a car come to life and off he went.
"God I don't wanna die," I cried, "someone please save me," I croaked, holding my ribs.

I walked on my fours outside and towards what seemed like a rough road. I was leaving a trail of blood and knowing this could bring my captor to me I tried covering my tracks. I saw the same car coming back, hid behind a bush and played dead.

He went to the house and finding me out he followed the blood trail that I had done such a shoddy job at hiding. He found me 'dead according to him and left me there to be eaten by whatever animal or rot. Just how inhuman can humans be? I asked myself severally praying that he doesn't come back. I stayed there till evening slipping in and out of consciousness until I heard some ruffles in the bushes. I pushed myself up an little stumbling back and falling.

I heard someone shriek and came to me having his zipper opened. I gathered that he was just having a pee. He lifted me up and took me to his car speaking incoherently to me.

"What's your name?" He asked, "stay with me, don't give in to sleep please. I'm gonna get some help." He assured me.
"Em. Edward. Irene. Please." I muttered as darkness embraced me with both arms. I felt myself falling.....failing.

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