Chapter 31

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For sure Irene dropped by seemingly unnoticed only to find me sitting on my favorite seat sipping some whiskey. She switched on the lights and there I was dressed in Jeans and T-shirt holding my drink. She jumped holding her chest out of fright, but I didn’t give a damn.

“Hey bitch! Been waiting here for you. Its been long you know” I greeted her sarcastically.
“how dare you call me a bitch” she roared at me.
“and who do you think you are to raise your voice at me?” I asked humorlessly
“You are an idiot stupid man who lets things happen under his nose and never realizes until its too late.” She boated grinning. “God, why are you so naïve?”
“What did you come here for Irene?” I asked her placing the whiskey glass on the table after taking the last remnants of the same.
“Now, Edward, my Edward, there is a document I need that should destroy you. You either give it to me willingly or ill have to kill your pathetic girlfriend. I want everything that belongs to you and whatever else you’ve been lying to me about.”
“How about you go get the documents,” I told her shrugging my shoulders. “The are actually many, not just one.” I added.
“But before you do, I will need proof of life.” I told her nearing her.
“Don’t you even think about it!” she snarled at me noticing me coming closer. “Anything ha[pens to me and you girlfriend dies.” She said smirking.

I let her walk inside my study and followed her in. She took what she thought were the documents to destroy me.  As she was walking out I stopped her,

Isn't there something you're forgetting? A key to my safe maybe?”
“Oh yeah, shit! I almost forgot there," She answered laughing and took the key from my hands but of course she wouldn’t leave my house without knowing where exactly Em was.
“So where should I collect that bitch of my girlfriend?”
“Don’t worry, she’s on her way here. Someone’s going to drop her though she’s pretty beaten up.” She smirked and I wished I could just wipe that smirk with a slap on her fake baked face.
“And how did you know I would give you the documents?”
“Because you loved her and enough talking. I should get going! The bank’s waiting for me to go withdraw the cash you know. And from where I stand you are a pauper. Don’t hesitate to call me when things get too tough. Oh and don’t forget to lock the door behind you as I know this house also belongs to me.”
“You think there is a lawyer foolish enough to cross me?” I asked her crossing my hands on my chest.
“Yeah. Whoever is waiting for me on the other end is a lawyer. He will do all the paperwork. I do have your signature so I don’t think we will cross lines again.”
“Continue lying to yourself Irene. How I loathe you!”
“I’m telling dad to suspend business with you by the way. So, sit your ass down!”

With that she walked out head high. I signaled the police and my men to stand down but be followed without her knowledge. The foolish girl went directly to the bank to withdraw the money! Who does that?

Meanwhile I was getting restless waiting for Em to be brought. Before long I received a phone call from an untraceable phone telling me to pick a parcel just near my house. I grabbed my jacket and drove out like a mad man. My men followed me without hesitation looking outside as I had filled them in. Along the pavement I saw a red scarf and I knew it was Em’s.
I stopped tyres screeching and jumped out running towards it and saw my girl lying face down. I turned her around and I almost couldn’t recognize her face. I felt her pulse and although it was faint, I knew I had not lost her. I carried her bridal style and called one of my guys to drive us back to the mansion. On our way there I called my doctor telling him to come over as fast as he can.

We are almost over this book and has been a rough ride for me. I have another one on the way which I will upload faster and more oftenly.
I'll give you a snippet later. Let's get 100 votes please😍


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